Saint Frances Free Watch Hd-720p Torrent director Alex Thompson
. Runtime: 106min. Abstract: After an accidental pregnancy turned abortion, a deadbeat nanny finds an unlikely friendship with the six-year old she's charged with protecting. Alex Thompson. USA. 2019.
Hello, this is my first MD ever but Ive been writing them in my head for a long time (complete with references to sexy times with my SO, humblebragging about my egg white and quinoa breakfasts, and skipping my 100 spin classes- jk I dont do any of that) so I figured I might as well get roasted for my finances for real. Basic Info: Age: 26 Gender: Female Location: New York City Industry: Publishing Occupation: Assistant Section 1 - Debts and Assets Retirement balance: 3841. 31 (My work set up automatic contributions to an SEP-IRA. I have no idea what the fuck I am doing here and I need to ask. I didnt go to fucking school for math. Savings: 2, 120. 14 (Regular savings account; Im going to open a HYSA for 2020 when I get my Christmas bonus) Credit Card Debt: 9, 924. 55, combined total across 2 credit cards (What makes me sad is that I paid off both of credit cards in full this time last year but I had an expensive year [moving out, going on family vacation twice, and buying Broadway tickets for the holidays] and now spend more of my income on rent, so its harder to pay it off as quickly. Student Loan Balance: 0 (I had a scholarship that covered room and board and we used credit cards to cover the rest. My mother is undocumented and at the time I was in college, my sister was a DACA recipient so I didnt have anyone to co-sign a loan. The college expenses were part of the credit card balance I paid off in 2018. Other debt: 0 Section 2 - Income Monthly take home after taxes, etc: 2, 500 (I am an assistant who works in publishing; would rather not get specific in exactly which area. But if you have questions about the industry, I can answer what I know in the comments or via PMs. Section 3 - Monthly Expenses Rent: 1, 600 (I am subletting a 1-bedroom apartment in upper upper Manhattan. When it ends, I hope to join the lease. My boyfriend Pierre* and I are getting serious and while were not ready to live together, we did want more privacy to test the waters. Also, I love living alone. Health insurance: 0 (Covered by work) MTA: 127/month for a monthly pass Internet: 59. 99/month (introductory rate for the first year) Utilities: Between 60-90 per month, varies (I pay for gas and electric, water is paid by landlord) Subscriptions: Hulu/Disney+ 12. 99/month (I share the password with my sister Lily* and ex-roommates and dont charge them) Amazon Prime: 0 (Lily shares her password w/ me) AMC Pass: 23. 95/month Renters insurance: 14. 67/month Phone: 0 (Still on the family plan and they dont charge me) Gym membership: 43. 95/year Netflix: 15. 99/month (I share the password with Lily and her friend, who gave me 100 at the beginning of the year to cover her share for 2 years) Other: 0. 99/month donation to the Texas Monthly Observer, 10/month donation to The Guardian, 30/month to ex-roommates in exchange for the cable/HBO password (Its cheaper than me getting my own cable) 25/year for Barnes & Noble membership (I just signed up for this since I run a book club and members get discounts on purchases. Fake name. I hate the "My friends A, B, C. thing. Day 1: 11/25 8:00am - Wake up and hit the snooze. I was up until 12:30 am baking keto chocolate zucchini bread that would just not bake all the way through. 8:15am - Finally get out of bed and start my morning routine. Skincare: Rhoto Hada Labo Gokyujyun foaming facial wash, Dr. Thayers Witch Hazel Toner, followed by Herbivore Prism Glow Potion, Cetaphil Pro Oily Skin with SPF 30. No make up. Cocoa butter lotion for the body. With a non-stick frying pan, I fry up turkey bologna and scrambled eggs. I also eat a soggy banana thats on the verge of turning completely black. I pack a lunch (tomato soup) and head out the door. I was hoping to get to work early, which will happen, but not as early as I would have liked. I was out of the office on Friday attending a local conference so I need to catch up on things. 9:30am - On the train to work and I text with Lily to discuss my mom's recent decision to move to Mexico. She lives in a pro-Trump state and as an undocumented person, its becoming increasingly difficult for her to fly under the radar. Shes fearful of being detained by ICE and so shes going back on her own terms. I tell Lily that I feel like Trump won. He succeeded in building a culture of fear and intimidation. Lily tells me that with or without Trump in office, it is likely that Mom would have had to return to Mexico while we applied for her residency anyway (Lily is now married to a US citizen and has a green card. This doesnt make me feel better and I want to cry. 9:46am - Arrive at the office 15 minutes early and get a head start on answering emails. Lily once asked me what I do all day and honestly, its a bunch of emailing. Emailing publishers to ask about status updates about deals, emailing clients to let them know about said status updates, emailing to chase after information I need on behalf of publishers or clients, responding to submissions, etc. Just emails, emails, emails. 1:21pm - Lily texts me a screenshot from an article about cheap living costs in Cancun. She jokes, “Why arent we moving with Mom too? ” I text back that when Mom moves to Mexico, we should go with her to look at potential properties for her to buy so she isnt renting indefinitely. I feel like crying again. I type up my expense report from the conference to distract myself. I dont have a company card so I get reimbursed for using my personal card when I travel. The conference paid for my hotel and train so I just get reimbursed for my meals. 1:35pm - Lily texts me that we should set up a savings account that we can contribute to for Moms living expenses in Mexico. I admire my sisters practicality in all of this, but I am not emotionally equipped to deal with this stuff when I am at work. 1:54pm - I heat up my tomato soup while my boss writes my reimbursement check. I take my lunch to eat outside and I buy a bag of salt and vinegar chips from Pret a Manger to go with my soup (1. 69. After I eat, I go check out the holiday shops at Bryant Park and treat myself to a “giant smore” (8. 17. The smore is the size of my hand which makes me feel slightly better about the expense. I text Pierre about how sad I feel and go back to the office. I take the stairs instead of the elevator so I burn off some of the empty calories I just consumed. 9. 86 3:48pm - Pierre texts me his sympathies and sends me a Baby Yoda meme to cheer me up. Goddamn, I love him so much. And Pierres great too. 6:06pm - Finally done with work! Im halfway to the train station when I realize I forgot my gym bag at work. I double back and while on the train, I eat a pre-workout snack of string mozzarella cheese and a baggie of roasted peanuts that I packed from home. 7:15pm - I do a 1 hour workout on the treadmill- 30 mins of interval running and then 30 min incline workout, plus a cool down- but I feel sluggish and slow. Must be the smore. Or maybe Im still thinking about my mom. 8:40pm- Back at home! I shower and then eat some of the zucchini bread and a Greek yogurt for dinner. Too tired to cook a real meal. I call my mom and we talk more about moving plans. She plans to buy a home in a touristy area and rent part of it out. When I go home for Christmas, well have to start cleaning the house out. Luckily, Lily lives near our Mom and will be able to store important family mementos. Our plans sound cheerful but the way we talk reminds me of that same dejected feeling we had in 2016 when she came to visit me, post-Trump election. “Paciencia, fey, y fuerza, ” is what we agreed to carry through the next four years. But it feels like weve run out. While Im on gloomy matters, I pay my bills. 1600 for rent, 65. 03 for the electric bill, and 150 payment for each credit card. I deposit my reimbursement check and a 10 check I received from the Pew Research Center. Ive recently been selected to be part of the Pew Research surveys and this is this first survey that I have been paid for, but I dont know how often I will receive them. 1, 965. 03, 40. I spend the rest of my evening setting up this Money Diary and watching 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way. The Jenny/Sumit drama is insane. 11:41pm - Finally got my MD set up and turn in. Nighttime skin routine: Vitamin C serum on neck and face; Estee Lauder Night Repair Creme on my eyes. I don't think it's really working but I want to finish the bottle before I try a new eye cream. Day 2: 11/26 8:00am - Wake up and hit the snooze. Not as tired as yesterday but still want to stay in bed. Pierre texts me to wish him luck on his annual review. I text him back and then get distracted checking Reddit on my phone. 8:30am - Whoops. How did a half hour go by so quickly? I get out of bed, do my skincare routine, get dressed, etc. I eat a bowl of Special K for breakfast and pack my lunch (turkey bologna sandwich on a plain bagel, Ruffle chips, mozzarella cheese stick, 3 clementines, and a half-empty Coke zero that I bought over the weekend. I am an elementary school child. 9:10am - Catch the train and listen to Slates Dear Prudence podcast. In this episode, a LW complains about her friend, who whipped out her Macbook to finish writing a term paper in the middle of the LWs wedding ceremony. The LW claims you can hear the click-clacking of typing in the wedding video and the friend even took a Skype call in the middle of the ceremony to chat with a study buddy (which you can also hear in the wedding video. I am horrified. 9:42am - Arrive at the office and Im the first one here. Half of our office, including my boss, took vacation days to get a head start on the holiday. This means I can listen to podcasts while I work since no one will really need me throughout the day. I check my personal email before I look at work stuff and find an email from my bank, announcing that there was a “recent merchant data breach” and while my account wasnt compromised, theyre going to send a new credit card which means I will have to update the information for my recurring payments. Great. Okay, back to work. I grab a fun-size Snickers bar from the communal candy bowl for a mid-morning snack and get to work. 12:22pm - Ugh, Special K was not that filling. I drink hot water to help my stomach feel full but I am so hungry. I decided to eat my lunch at my desk even though its earlier than I usually eat. 6:45pm - Finally leave work! I stayed late to check my mom into her flight but check-in is based in her time zone, not mine so I could have left earlier. Grr. I text Lily and she promises to check Mom in. 8pm - Pierre and I get home at the same time! We make dinner together: spaghetti with truffle oil along with sauteed onions and kale, plus Trader Joes turkey meatballs. I pull out mini bottles of prosecco that I bought for Lilys visit that went unused. While we cook, I pour out my feelings to Pierre. I know that we are in a very privileged position: Lily and I can support my mother to have a very comfortable life in Mexico. We can afford to fly out to see her 3, maybe even 4 times a year. My mom will be able to stop living in fear. But theres just something wrong about us not being in the same country. Pierre knows a little of what Im feeling because his mother is back in France and he misses her terribly, especially since she's been sick. (Nothing serious, but he feels bad that he can't be there for her. After dinner, we watch The Mandalorian. God, I would die for Baby Yoda. Pierre just got into Dragula so we watch an episode but I hate the format. It just feels so disorganized, especially compared to Rupauls Drag Race. Pierre gets squicked out by an elimination challenge featuring needles so we watch Call the Midwife so he can calm down. Poor guy. Day 3: 11/27 12 am - Finally, we turn off Call the Midwife. I clean up the kitchen while Pierre gets dressed for his overnight shift. (Hes a security guard. We kiss goodbye and he promises everything is set for him to come to Thanksgiving. 12:40 am - I stay up to finish the Call the Midwife episode and then go to bed. I call my mom even though its late because I just want to hear her voice. We talk through the airport pick up plans and say good night. I have the day off so I can stay up late. 10 am - Wake up and lay in bed. I text Pierre to ask for good thoughts. Im super anxious about my mom flying even though she uses her Mexican passport and hasnt had issues before. After a half hour, I get up to go to the gym and burn off some of my nervous energy. I only eat a mandarin for breakfast. 11:30 am - At the gym. Since I didnt have a good breakfast, I do a low-intensity incline work out. 12:30 pm - Back at home. I shower and eat the keto zucchini bread for my brunch. I know I should eat more but Im too anxious. I go to the train station, buy 2 weekly metro cards. One is for my mom and the other is a refill for me. Normally I would get the monthly but since Im going home for the holidays in 2 weeks, it makes more sense to buy weekly passes. 67. 00 1:45 pm - First stop on my errands: Michaels. I buy supplies to convert an arrowhead earring into necklace for Lily. I use a 40% off coupon so my total is 5. 55 1:59pm - I buy two rotisserie chickens at Whole Foods for Thanksgiving. Im not fucking with turkey with my tiny ass oven. 16. 69 2:38pm - Buy a half dozen plain bagels at Zabars for breakfast. 5. 60 3:00pm - I walk to the train station and pass the Macys parade balloons being inflated. So cool! Maybe next year Ill come down to get a better look, but for now I need to get home. 3:35pm - At the farmers market near my train stop, I buy 3 lbs of grapes and a stalk of celery. I don't know how long this market is going to stick around but I hope it stays all year round. It's where I can get super cheap produce. I stop at the local grocery store and pick up sparkling cider. 12. 42 4:00pm - Finally home! I put away my groceries, prep the Thanksgiving sides, and clean up while I wait for my moms flight to land. I finish 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days and then pick up where I left off on 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way. I love the 90DF franchise but theyre releasing so many seasons at once that I cant keep up. 6:08pm - My mom calls that shes about to board her flight. Hurray! I can finally relax and eat leftover spaghetti before I go to meet her at the airport. 10:33pm - Take public transport to LaGuardia. I find my mom, who made friends with her seat partner on the flight and they exchange numbers so they can get in touch. We pick up her suitcase and I lead her to the rideshare pick up area. We pass a lost-looking couple in their 60s who are trying to figure out where to call an Uber so my mom adopts them. She helps the wife with her suitcase and tells them that Ill show them where to go. They chatter about Thanksgiving plans on the way. I dont know how, but my mom always makes friends wherever she goes. When we get to the pick up area, a parking lot attendant helps the couple call an Uber while I call a Lyft for us. 41. 00, including tip. 11:46pm - Finally home! I give my mom a quick tour of my apartment. She says its nice but I need to clean better. Moms. Im ready for bed, but she asks me to put on her telenovela so she can unwind. I set her up (shes watching Apocalipse, btw) and leave her on the couch while I go to bed. Day 4: 11/28 8:30am - I wake up but my mom isnt in bed with me. Evidently, she fell asleep on the couch. Shes an early bird so she has NBC playing, ready for the parade to start. We shower, get dressed, etc. 9:14am - Pierre arrives, having come straight from his overnight shift. He is, understandably, exhausted. He takes a nap in my room while my mom and I watch the parade and prep everything to warm up in the oven. We FaceTime with Lily, who is spending Thanksgiving with her neighbors. 12:28pm - Food is ready just as Pierres sister, Colette* arrives. I'm serving rotisserie chicken, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, roasted veggies, and cornbread dressing. I wake up Pierre and I put on the Fleetwood Mac radio station on Spotify to listen to as we eat. Its a nice time just eating our fill and talking. Pierre and I are discussing marriage and its nice to imagine that this will be what holidays will be like when our families combine. My mom says she likes Pierre but she seems lukewarm. Lily tells me that's exactly how she was like with her husband and now adores him as a son in law. I hope we'll have other opportunities for her to get to know Pierre. 3:00pm - We are done eating and put away the leftovers. I give some to Colette to take with her while Pierre gets ready to go back to work. Yep, he has to work again. I think Pierres job takes advantage of his eager to please nature and I tell him so, but he says he can handle it. Plus, he gets holiday pay. Colette also leaves and my mom and I take a short food coma nap. 4:48pm - We bundle up and head out to see the window displays at Saks Fifth Avenue and Macys. My mom is annoyed that so many shops are open. She complains that back home, Thanksgiving plans revolve around the football games and here, everything revolves around shopping. Still, we go into Macys to look for my birthday gift and take advantage of their “pre-Black Friday” sale. We find a BCBG genuine leather jacket for 50% off. The sales clerk says its the last one and it just so happens to fit me perfectly. My mom uses her Macys card to pay for it. I thank her for the birthday gift. 7:50pm - We stop to buy Palmolive dish soap at CVS. Im running low at soap at home and my mom says my Trader Joes branded soap is not up to the task of handling Thanksgiving dishes. 2. 49 8:59pm - I take my mom to The View, the revolving restaurant within the Times Square Marriott. I get a margarita and she gets a non-alcoholic Apple Pie. We talk more about her upcoming move and I tell my mom my complicated feelings about it. She tells me that this is a good thing and Trump isnt winning here. “I raised two daughters who are both great successes and now Im going to retire and live my life. We won, not him, ” she says. 56. 98 10:00pm - Back home! I shower and go to bed. My mom stays up to watch her telenovela. Day 5: 11/29 10:00 am - Wake up and get ready to go. Mom fell asleep on the couch again. At this rate, I might as well just make her a bed out there. She insists that shes fine. Anyway, today is all about my mom. I take her shoe shopping at a mom and pop store on the Upper East Side store that carries SAS shoes, her favorite brand. My mom is very picky and only finds one pair that she likes in her size. And it's on sale. 20. 00 12:49pm - I take my mom to El Museo del Barrio. El Museo is in partnership with The City Museum of New York next door so once were done with El Museo, we go next door and dont have to pay a second admission fee. 18. 00 2:40pm - I take my mom to Grand Central Station to admire the main hall and we eat lunch in the food court. I order ramen and chicken dumplings for the both of us. 33. 57 3:30pm - I take my mom to oo35mm, my favorite beauty supply shop in Chinatown. I buy a bottle of facial wash for myself and convince my mom let me buy her an anti-wrinkle cream, a hair mask, and a pair of sheet masks for us. My mom is skeptical (shes an Estée Lauder and Clinique gal) but I swear to her that the sales clerks know what theyre talking about in their recommendations. She does admit that my skin has cleared up a lot this past year so she agrees to let me buy the products for her. 60. 92 5:40pm - We walk to Little Italy and have a light dinner at a touristy restaurant that has a really good Napoleon. Maybe there still is good Italian food in Little Italy. 35. 06 8:00pm - We go see Aint Too Proud to Beg, the Broadway musical based on lives of The Temptations. (I bought tickets last week on Today Tix. My mom likes the show but while I agree that the singing and dancing is spectacular, the acting was bland. Also, no one said “Aint nobody coming to see you, Otis! ” so that was disappointing. 11:00pm - Back at home and we gotta go to bed because were going to Philadelphia in the morning! Day 6: 11/30 7:00 am - Wake up! This time, I waited until I heard my mom snoring on the couch and then gently roused her to get a nights rest on an actual bed. We eat a light breakfast and head to Penn station. 11:30am - Arrive in Philly! I bought Amtrak tickets a week ago to return at 10pm but my mom thinks thats too late so she asks me to change them for an earlier time. 44. 00 11:46 am - We leave the station by walking and head towards City Hall and Dilworth Park. I need caffeine so we stop at Starbucks. 4. 67 12:00pm - The holiday shops at Dilworth Park and Love Park are amazing! I find an artist who has this adorable cat print that would be the perfect Christmas present for Colette. I find the artist's Etsy page and see that she's going to be at the holiday markets in NYC. I vow to check out her booth there too even though my mom tells me to stop spending my money. Well, Mom, tell the lady to stop making cute stuff. 36. 47 1:30pm - We are both hungry so we go to Reading Terminal Market and get lunch. Mom orders a Philly cheesesteak and I get a tortellini pasta salad and kale juice. 25. 34 2:30pm - We take the PHLASH bus to do a loop around the sights. We see the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, go up the Rocky Steps at the Philadelphia Art Museum, and then head to Old City to see the Betsy Ross House. Mom pays admission for the Betsy Ross House and I pay for our PHLASH fare. 10. 00 6:00pm - We are both tired and are ready to head home but still have a couple of hours at the station until our train. We still have leftovers from lunch so we finish those off and my mom buys herself a coffee and donut from Dunkin. (She won't let me pay for it. She lets me have a bite of the donut. While we wait, I pull up the Hulu documentary Tiny Shoulders: Rethinking Barbie on my phone for the both of us to watch. 10:30pm - Finally back home! Shower, get ready for bed, wait until I hear my mom fall asleep watching TV and then wake her up to come to bed. Day 7: 12/1 9:30 am - Wake up! Its my moms last day in NYC. I ask her what she wants to do. She says that she wants to do my laundry and scrub my bathtub. We get dressed and eat a light breakfast. Then we attend Sunday service at my church. The sermon topic uses the recent climate change disasters as a jumping off point to discuss how climate change detrimentally affects the poor and marginalized and what our Christian duty is to help each other and the planet. My mom likes my churchs liberal, social justice oriented focus. She tells me that I should be a more active member and I am trying, but socializing with new people doesnt come as easily to me as it does to her. Still, when one of the deacons asks me to read a passage from the Bible next week, I agree. Also, I donate 10 to the offering plate. 00 2:00pm - After church, I take my mom to the Staten Island ferry so she can see the Statue of Liberty. My mom is impressed that we can get such a good view for free. Pierre texts me that he can meet us when he gets off at work at 4pm so I suggest we have an early dinner at my place before my mom goes to the airport. 2:34pm - After we get back to Manhattan, we take a bus to visit a church that was featured in The Devils Advocate (the 1997 movie with Keanu Reeves and Al Pacino) but the doors are locked. They must have locked up after morning mass. I feel bad because my mom loves old churches and she was really hoping to see what the interior looked like. The rain is starting to come down so I check my moms flight and see its been pushed back to 10pm. 3:00pm - On the way home, we stop by Trader Joes and pick up fixings to help transform the Thanksgiving leftovers into a new meal. We get milk, sandwich bread, almonds, grape tomatoes, mandarin oranges, green grapes, and cereal bars. The plan is to make grilled cheese sandwiches and kale chicken salad. 73 5:00pm - Were back at home but Pierre has bad news. Towards the end of his shift, he noticed something suspicious on the CCTV and when they went to investigate, they found someone died in the building. Hes still stuck at work answering questions from the NYPD and his company and doesnt know when hell get out. He sends his regards to my mom and tells her “Bon voyage! ” Mom and I make dinner for ourselves and when I check her flight again, its back to its original departure time of 8pm. Shit! We rush to get everything ready and then I call the Lyft. In the car, I check the flight again and its been pushed back to 10pm. What the hell. 30. 86, including tip. 6:30pm - Mom and I are at the airport and are super confused. The boards still say her flight leaves at 8pm but my flight tracker says its been pushed. My mom doesnt want to miss it so she decides to go ahead and go through security. We say goodbye and I wait until she passes through before taking public transport home. 8:30pm - Finally back home! Im super exhausted and clean up a little. My mom calls and reports that her flight got moved to 9pm. The winter storm is coming in so I think flights are trying to figure out who is going to get out tonight and whos not. I tell my mom to call me if her flight ends up being cancelled so I can send a car to pick her up. If you really care, my moms flight ended up leaving at 11:30pm and she landed back home around 2:30am. I called her a Lyft and stayed up tracking it until she called me to report she was in the house. 23. 10, my mom tipped in cash. Breakdown Food/drink: 227. 62 Entertainment: 18. 00 Transport: 215. 96 Other: 2100. 46 Total: 2562. 04 Reflections This wasnt a typical week since it was Thanksgiving and I was hosting my mom, but my Day 1 is a typical spending day. I think I would have spent more if I had a different travel partner than my mother. She is extremely frugal and kept turning down stuff for us to do or buy even though I insisted it was my treat. In my defense, its my mom and I want to treat her. However, she did teach me good spending habits and its what gave me the push to find deals like the El Museo/City Museum partnership, the PHLASH fare, and ideas for things that we could experience for free or at a low-cost. I think I would say that I am better at spending money wisely but I want to get better at saving and building investments. Okay, go ahead and roast me for still being on the family phone plan.
How are they the best in the nation when they lost by three touchdowns in California.
Saint Frances Free. LBJ and his lies continue. Endeavor to persevere. Saint frances free watch 2017. Saint frances free watch band. Posted on r/DHgate already but im sharing here aswell. Havent seen much going on here so I thought I'll share some stuff I saved for myself recently. Mostly from reliable sellers. Shoes; Off White Odsy 1000 Converse Givenchy Sliders Air Max 270 Valentino Garavani Ferragamo moccasin Nike Kyrie 5 NMD human race Yeezy 380 Off White Air Force 1's Air Max 96 Sean Wotherspoon Jordan 11 Concord 45 Balenciaga Triple S Gucci Rhyton Alexander McQueen Gucci Ace's Adidas Ultraboost (cheap) Adidas Ultraboost Valentino Garavani Yeezy 350 Clothes; Burberry Scarf - Gucci headband Supreme headband Gucci headband Burberry coat (women) Amiri sweatshirt Amiri jeans Givenchy sweatshirt/longsleeve Nasa tee Dolce & Gabbana sweatshirt Balenciaga knit sweater Fendi sweatshirt Fendi tee Kenzo tee Dolce & Gabbana hoodie Kenzo longsleeve Kith x Tom & Jerry tee Louis Vuitton tee Supreme Gucci Mane tee Palace tee Fog Essentials reflective hoodie Golf Wang tee Balenciaga windbreaker Gucci tee Gupreme x Oakland Raiders hoodie The North Face x Supreme bandana jacket Vetements logo hoodie The North Face x Supreme arc logo fleece jacket Golf Wang fire trousers Prada beanie Moncler beanie Moncler beanie Philipp plein beanie Canada goose beanie Canada goose beanie C. P Company beanie Burberry shirt Burberry sweatpants Supreme alphabet silk pants Gucci hoodie Supreme ski mask Supreme 'S' beanie Bape headband Ralph Lauren polo shorts Supreme crewneck Palace striped high roller top Revenge 'bad vibes' tee Nasa jacket Dsquared2 jeans Amiri jeans Louis Vuitton belt Gucci Marmont belt Ralph Lauren big pony polo Ralph Lauren polo with city names Ralph Lauren longsleeve Anti Social Social Club hoodie Ralph Lauren polo hoodie Gucci hoodie Ralph Lauren polo shirt Amiri sweatshirt Balmain denim jacket chanel jacket (women) Gucci jacket Philipp plein tee dsquared2 cap Givenchy tee Moncler maya jacket Amiri sweatshirt Vlone roots picnic tee The North Face windbreaker Louis Vuitton tee C. P Company goggle hoodie The North Face jacket Ralph Lauren polo bear Louis Vuitton jacket Lacoste sweater/long sleeve Stussy hoodie Heron preston tee Alpha flag hoodie Balr hoodie CDG play longsleeve The North Face puffer jacket Gucci shirt Trasher tee Stone Island sweatshirt Philipp Plein tee Bape socks Huf socks Balenciaga tee Philipp Plein jeans Balr tee Burberry jeans Others; Cartier Glasses - Omega Seamaster - Rolex Submarine Mcm handbag - Yves Saint Lauren handbag Louis Vuitton purse Michael Kors handbag Supreme x Louis Vuitton wallet Prada/Hermes handbags Christian Dior saddle bag Beats Studio 3 headphones (really decent) Beats Studio 3 earphones Supreme duffle bag Supreme organizer bag Ray-ban glasses Louis Vuitton glasses Ray-Ban Clubmaster glasses Louis Vuitton travel bag Louis Vuitton messenger bag Louis Vuitton crossbody Gucci bum bag Louis Vuitton wallet/card holder Louis Vuitton notebook Goyard duffle bag If something got removed then im sorry. Might do another list in some time, hope y'all have a good day.
I'm going to reference this documentary in an essay i am doing, where is this originally from. Hugh grant... I am impressed by that accent 👏🏻👏🏻. Perfect timing for this song for all generations to hear and take to heart from around the world. Peace. January 1st 21 (2008) – Director Robert Luketic presents this 2008 movie about six MIT students who train to beat the casino. A Cinderella Story (2004) – The original A Cinderella Story featuring a young Hilary Duff where she plays a downtrodden teen who wants to meet her date at the Halloween dance. American Beauty (1999) – Kevin Spacy stars in this Sam Mendes movie about a suburban father who falls for his daughters best friend. Catch Me If You Can (2002) – Tom Hanks and Leonardo DiCaprio star in this biopic on Frank Abagnale Jr. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) – Johnny Depp stars in the Tim Burton adaptation of the classic Roald Dahl tale. Chasing Amy (1997) – Ben Affleck stars in this Kevin Smith directed romance movie about comic book artists. Dinner for Schmucks (2010) – Paul Rudd and Steve Carell star in the comedy all about odd dinner parties. Dragonheart (1996) – Rob Cohen directed this Oscar-nominated movie featuring Dennis Quaid about the last dragon stopping an evil king. Drugs, Inc. (Season 6) – National Geographic must-watch drug series continues with another 12 new episodes. Ferris Buellers Day Off (1986) – Beuller? Bueller? Bueller? The John Hughes comedy returns to Netflix. Free Willy (1993) – A boy risks everything to save a killer whale in this cult classic. Good Girls (Season 2) – NBCs comedy series returns for the girls second outing. Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle (2004) – Two recognizable friends go on a journey to each White Castle burgers. Hitch (2005) – Will Smith features in this romantic comedy where he stars as a date doctor. Inception (2010) – The mindbending movie from Christopher Nolan with an all-star cast. Our movie highlight of the month. New York Minute (2004) – The Olsen twins feature in this family comedy that was slated by the critics. Messiah (Season 1) N – A man turns up in the Middle East claiming to be Jesus incarnate and causes him to have plenty of attention by rabid followers and the authorities. Patriot Games (1992) – The Harrison Ford action epic about Jack Ryan interfering with an IRA investigation. Saint Seiya (Seasons 4 & 5) – New seasons of the classic anime. Spinning Out (Season 1) N – Drama series on a figure skating Olympian who is struggling to balance her professional career with her personal life. The Circle (US) Season 1) N – New reality series where people compete in a popularity contest. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) – The third and final entry in the Lord of the Rings movie franchise which scored 11 Oscars. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) – The second entry in the Lord of the Rings franchise that scored 2 Oscars. The Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Smell of Fear (1991) – Classic cop comedy The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! 1988) – The first of the cop comedy movies. The Ring (2002) – The Naomi Watts horror movie. What Lies Beneath (2000) – Another Harrison Ford drama where the wife of a scientist believes her house is haunted. Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (1971) – The original Roald Dahl movie adaptation starring Gene Wilder. Yes Man (2008) – Jimy Carrey just cant stop saying yes in this Peyton Reed directed comedy. January 2nd Sex Explained (Limited Doc-series) N – The guys from Vox present their second limited series that dives into the world of sex. January 3rd Anne with an E (Season 3 / Final Season) N – The final season of the Canadian co-production retelling the story of Anne of Green Gables. January 4th Dracula (Season 1) N – British co-production from the creator of Sherlock. Go! Go! Cory Carson (Season 1) N – Pre-school animated series based on the toy line. January 10th AJ and the Queen (Season 1) N – New comedy from RuPaul where he inadvertently finds himself looking after a young boy. Giri/Haji (Season 1) N – BBC co-production where a cop comes to London from Japan to find his brother involved with the Yakuza. Medical Police (Season 1) N – New 10 episode series about two American physicians discover a world-ending virus and need to find a cure. Scissor Seven N – New anime Zumbos Just Desserts (Season 2) N – More delicious desserts from the master. January 15th Grace & Frankie (Season 6) N – The penultimate season of Netflixs longest-running comedy. January 16th Steve Jobs (2015) – Michael Fassbender appears in this Universal movie about the late Steve Jobs, founder of Apple. January 17th Hip-Hop Evolution (Season 4) N – Documentary series continues featuring some of the biggest Hip-Hop icons. Nailed It! Germany (Season 1) N – The German version of Netflixs Nailed It! Tyler Perrys A Fall From Grace (2019) N – An all-star cast stars in a brand new thriller from the famed creator. Sex Education (Season 2) N – Comedy teen series returns. Tiny House Nation (Volume 2) N – More tiny houses explored in this Netflix docuseries. January 18th The Bling Ring (2013) – Biopic of a group of thieves using the internet to track their next heist. January 20th Family Reunion (Part 2) N – More episodes of the family sitcom. January 21st Fortune Feimster: Sweet & Salty (2019) N – Stand-up special Word Party (Season 4) N – Preschool series about four animals helping children how to learn new skills. January 23rd October Faction (Season 1) N – Sci-fi series based on the comic series by Steve Niles and Damien Worm from IDW Entertainment the producers behind V-Wars for Netflix. Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac (Season 1 – Part 2) N – Concluding part to season 1 of Netflixs new anime series in the Saint Seiya universe. The Queen (2006) – Although Netflixs The Crown is by far the best biopic of the monarchy, Helen Mirrens 2006 entry isnt half bad either. January 24th A Sun (2019) – Mandarin movie about a family of four under great stress from an unexpected tragedy. Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (Part 3) N – After a long wait, were headed back to catch up with Sabrina and co. Rise of Empires: Ottoman (Ottoman Rising) Season 1) N – Turkish historic series about Mehmed the Conquerer. The Ranch (Part 8 – Final Season) N – Well be saying goodbye to comedy sitcom series. January 27th Country Song (2010) – Gwyneth Paltrow stars in this music drama directed by Shana Feste about a rising country-music songwriter. We Are Your Friends (2015) – Max Joeseph writes and directs this musical drama starring Zac Efron about a DJ trying to find his way in life. January 29th Omniscient (Season 1) N – New horror reality series game show where audiences control the fate of the contestants. Next in Fashion (Season 2) N – A new reality series starring Queer Eyes Tan France and Alexa Chun. January 30th Ainori Love Wagon: African Journey (Season 1) N – Another entry into the Japanese reality series Raising Cain (1994) – Brian De Palma writes and directs the crime horror classic featuring John Lithgow. The Stranger (Season 1) N – A new thriller drama series about a married father who meets a woman who tells him a secret about his wife. January 31st Bojack Horseman (Season 6 – Part 2 – Final Season) N – The animated shows conclusion hits on January 31st. Diablero (Season 2) N – Second season of the Spanish language horror series. Ragnarok (Season 1) N – Norwegian coming-of-age drama series. Credit. Netflix New Releases - January 2020.
Jesus is coming but some work is there have to do. Im disabled and glad to see my community getting some exposure. Just because dip wads like the previous commenters are uncomfortable seeing disabled people on screen doesnt mean the movie should never see the light of day. While the plot seems somewhat predictable, it still looks like a good, light-hearted watch. 🧑🏽🦯🧑🏽🦼🧑🏽🦽❤️. 全球連線 對抗極權 LAST UPDATED: Sept 27. Details are subject to change, please click on individual links for more information. Can't find your city? Invite your family, friends and neighbors to start your own rally. Be Water. VIDEO 929 and 928] TBA: To Be Announced source: Global Solidarity with Hong Kong (Facebook) and 929 Global AntiTotalitarianism (Telegram) 929GlobalAntiTotalitarianism #929GlobalMarch #929GlobalAntiTotalitarian #StandwithHongKong #birdfoldingchallenge How else can you help the Hong Kong protest from abroad AUSTRALIA Adelaide Sunday 29 September 2:30PM - 4:30PM Rundle Mall Brisbane Sunday 29 September 2:00PM - 4:00PM Speaker's Corner, 15 George St Darwin Sunday 29 September 11:00AM - 12:30PM Smith St Mall (Intersection) Melbourne Friday 27 September 6:15PM Melbourne Central Station (Clock) Sing-A-Long Flash Mob Melbourne II Sunday 29 September 4:00PM - 6:00PM State Library of Victoria, 328 Swanston St Perth Sunday 29 September 2:00PM - 4:00PM (Free Movie screening: Lost in the Fumes) RSVP Sydney Sunday 29 September 1:30PM - 4:00PM State Library of NSW, Macquarie St (Gather) to QVB (End) AUSTRIA Vienna Sunday 29 September 3:00PM Platz der Menschenrechte, Mariahilfer Str BELGIUM Brussels Saturday 28 September 2:00PM - 4:00PM Mont des Arts CANADA Calgary Sunday 29 September 2:00PM - 3:00PM Olympic Plaza 228 8 Ave SE Edmonton Sunday 29 September 1:30PM You are required to Direct Message them via Facebook. My advice, go to Calgary, I never got a reply from the Edmonton team. Halifax Saturday 28 September 2:00PM Halifax Public Gardens 5665 Spring Garden Road Montreal Sunday 29 September 2:00PM - 4:00PM Cabot Square Ottawa Sunday 29 September 2:00PM - 4:00PM Banks St and Sparks St (Gather) to outside City Hall (Elgin St & Lisgar St) Ottawa Tuesday 1 October 1:30PM - 6:00PM Various Location Flash Mob St Johns Saturday 28 September 1:00PM - 5:00PM National War Memorial, Downtown St. John's Toronto Saturday 28 September 7:00PM - 10:00PM 252 Bloor Street West (Lost in the Fumes Movie Screening + Discussion) Toronto II Sunday 29 September 2:00PM - 4:00PM Roundhouse Park, Next to Toronto Railway Museum (Gather) Toronto III Monday 30 September 9:30AM - 10:30AM Nathan Phillips Square (South East) Toronto City Hall Vancouver Sunday 29 September 1:00PM - 2:00PM Queen Elizebeth Theatre Plaza 695 Cambie St (Gather) to Provincial Courts Victoria Sunday 29 September 2:00PM - 4:00PM Provincial Parliament Building Winnipeg Sunday 29 September 2:00PM The Plaza at The Forks Skateboard Park DENMARK Copenhagen Sunday 29 September 12:00AM - 4:00PM Nørreport ESTONIA Tallinn Sunday 29 September 2:00PM - 6:00PM Freedom Square FRANCE Paris Saturday 28 September 3:30PM - 6:00PM La Fontain Saint-Michel GERMANY Berlin Saturday 28 September 2:30PM - 5:30PM Berlin TV Tower, Alexanderplatz (Gather) to Chinese Embassy Berlin II Sunday 29 September 10:00AM - 16:00PM Gendarmenmarkt Cologne Sunday 29 September 2:30PM - 5:00PM Bahnhofsvorplatz Frankfurt Saturday 28 September 2:00PM - 5:00PM Römerberg Hamburg Saturday 28 September 1:30PM - 4:00PM Flaggenplatz, Jungfernstieg Munich Saturday 28 September 2:00PM - 4:00PM Schützenstr (Gather) Munich II Sunday 29 September 2:00PM - 4:00PM Marienplatz (Gather) HONG KONG (Protest Schedule List) Saturday 28 September 2:00PM Victoria Park Saturday 28 September 7:00PM - 9:00PM Tamar Park Sunday 29 September 2:30PM Causeway Bay SOGO (Gather) to Central Government Complex Tuesday 1 October 2:00PM Victoria Park (Gather) to Charter Road (Dress code: Black) IRELAND Dublin Sunday 29 September 10:30AM - 12:45PM Swift Lecture Theatre, Trinity College Dublin ITALY Milan Saturday 28 September 4:00PM Piazza del Duomo JAPAN Osaka Sunday 29 September 1:00PM - 4:00PM Osaka-Jo Hall Sapporo Sunday 29 September 12:30PM Nakajima Park Hōheikan (Gather) to Fushimi Park (End) Tokyo Sunday 29 September 3:30PM Chidorigafuchi Park (Bring your paper crane) KAZAKHSTAN Almaty Sunday 29 September 1:00PM Zhibek Zholy (Arbat) Nur-Sultan Sunday 29 September 1:00PM Baiterek Tower MALAYSIA Kuala Lumpur Sunday 29 September 4:00PM - 7:00PM Rumah Attap Library, 84c, Jalan Rotan, Off Jalan Kampung Attap (Lost in the Fumes Movie Screening + Discussion) Kuala Lumpur II Sunday 29 September 7:00PM - 8:30PM Kuala Lumpur And Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH) next to mamak NETHERLANDS Amsterdam Saturday 28 September 3:00PM - 5:00PM Dam Square NEW ZEALAND Auckland Sunday 29 September 3:00PM - 5:00PM Aotea Square 291-297 Queen St Christchurch Tuesday 1 October 7:00PM Space Academy, 371 St Asaph St, Central City (Ten Years Movie Screening) NORWAY Oslo Sunday 29 September 1:30PM - 3:30PM Eidsvolls plass POLAND Warsaw Sunday 29 September 1:00PM - 5:00PM Chinese Embassy, Ul. Świętojerska side gate SOUTH KOREA - Message me for Seoul, it's complicated if you need more info. Seoul Saturday 28 September 6:00pm Gwanghwamun Station EXIT 6 (in front of DongHwa Duty Free) Seoul II Sunday 29 September 2:00PM -2:15PM Hongdae (EXIT 3 Grassland) Flash mob ( CANCELLED) SPAIN Barcelona Sunday 29 September 2:00PM - 4:00PM Parque de La Ciudadela 21 Passeig de Picasso SWITZERLAND Geneva Sunday 29 September 2:00PM - 4:00PM Jardin Anglais Zurich Saturday 28 September 1:00PM - 4:00PM Photobastei (Photo Exhibition/ Film Screening) RUSSIA Moscow Sunday 29 September 3:00PM - 5:00PM Sakharov Ave (rally to support political prisoners) SWEDEN Göteborg Thursday 26 September 5:30PM - 7:00PM Gustav Adolfs Torg Stockholm Sunday 29 September 3:00PM - 5:00PM Medborgarplatsen ( New venue & time) TAIWAN Hsinchu Sunday 29 September 5:30PM -10:00PM East Gate, Zhongzhen Rd (Ten Years Movie + Discussion) Kaohsiung Sunday 29 September 5:30PM - 10:00PM Intersection of Shennong Rd and Nanping Rd Taichung Saturday 28 September 4:00PM - 6:00PM Taichung Civic Square, Zhongxing St Tainan Sunday 29 September 3:00PM - 6:00PM Section 2, Zhongyi Road (Next to Zhongyi Elementary School) Taipei Sunday 29 September 3:00PM - 9:00PM Legislative Yuan corner of Jinan Rd (Gather) UKRAINE Kiev Saturday 28 September 4:00PM National Opera of Ukraine Volodymyrska Street, 50 UNITED KINGDOM. Birmingham and Sheffield are not rallies, just handing out flyers, best to just go the London rally on September 28th, the coordinators are not publicizing the those smaller events* Birmingham * See comments above. Edinburgh Sunday 29 September 3:00PM High Street Pedestrian Zone (New Venue) London Saturday 28 September 1:00PM - 3:00PM Chinese Embassy, Portland Place, Marylebone London II Saturday 28 September 6:30PM - 10:00PM Arthur And Paula Lucas Lecture Theatre King's College London Strand Campus (Umbrella Diaries: The First Umbrella Movie + Panel Discussion) Free tickets from Eventbrite London III Sunday 29 September 1:15PM - 3:15PM Prince Charles Cinema 7 Leicester Place (Ten Years Movie Screening) Tickets at Eventbrite (all proceeds will be donated to 612 Humanitarian Relief Fund and Spark Alliance) Manchester Sunday 29 September 12:00PM Manchester Central Convention Complex and 2:00PM Piccadilly Gardens Sheffield * See comments above. UNITED STATES Ann Arbor Sunday 29 September 2:00PM - 6:00PM Central Campus Diag, University of Michigan Austin Sunday 29 September 3:00PM - 5:00PM Texas State Capitol, 1100 Congress Ave Boston Sunday 29 September 10:00AM - 1:00PM Boston City Hall, Plaza Flag Poles (Bring a flag) Chicago Sunday 29 September 2:00PM - 5:00PM Urban Voice 3520 S. Morgan St Los Angeles Sunday 29 September 12:00PM - 2:00PM In front of the Chinese Consulate, 443 Shatoo Place Los Angeles II Sunday 29 September 2:00PM - 5:00PM Barnes Park, Monterey Park East Los Angeles (New Venue) New York Saturday 28 September 1:00PM - 1:30PM Washington Square Park New York II Sunday 29 September 11:30AM - 12:30PM Pier 81, 12th Ave & W 41st St (opposite the Chinese Consulate) New York III Tuesday 1 October 11:00AM to 1:00PM Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza 245 E 47th St San Diego Sunday 29 September 1:00PM - 3:00PM Balboa Park 1549 El Prado San Francisco Sunday 29 September 2:00PM - 4:00PM Civic Center Plaza, 335 McAllister St San Francisco II Sunday 29 September 4:00PM - 5:00PM Chinese Consulate, 1450 Laguna St San Francisco III Monday 30 September 4:00PM - 5:30PM San Francisco Federal Building, 90 7th St Seattle Saturday 28 September 11:00AM - 1:00PM Drumheller Fountain, University of Washington (Gather) to Husky Stadium Washington DC Saturday 28 September 2:30PM Washington Monument Washington DC II Sunday 29 September 2:00PM - 4:00PM Chinese Embassy.
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By John Lord, LL. D. MARTIN LUTHER. A. D. 1483-1546 THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION. AMONG great benefactors, Martin Luther is one of the most illustrious. He headed the Protestant Reformation. This movement is so completely inter- linked with the literature, the religion, the education, the prosperity—yea, even the political history—of Europe, that it is the most important and interesting of all modern historical changes. It is a subject of such amazing magnitude that no one can claim to be well informed who does not know its leading issues and developments, as it spread from Germany to Switzer- land, France, Holland, Sweden, England, Scotland. The central and prominent figure in the movement is Luther; but the way was prepared for him by a host of illustrious men, in different countries, —by Savonarola In Italy, by Huss and Jerome in Bohemia, by Erasmus in Holland, by Wyclif in England, and by sundry others, who detested the corruptions they ridiculed and lamented, but could not remove. How flagrant those evils! Who can deny them? The papal despotism, and the frauds on which it was based; monastic corruptions; penance, and indulgences for sin, and the sale of them, more shameful still; the secular character of the clergy; the pomp, wealth, and arrogance of bishops; auricular confession; celibacy of the clergy, their idle and dissolute lives, their igno- rance and superstition; the worship of the images of saints, and masses for the dead; the gorgeous ritualism of the mass; the substitution of legends for the Scrip- tures, which were not translated, or read by the people; pilgrimages, processions, idle pomps, and the multipli- cation of holy days; above all, the grinding spiritual despotism exercised by priests, with their inquisitions and excommunications, all centering in the terrible usurpation of the popes, keeping the human mind in bondage, and suppressing all intellectual independence, —these evils prevailed everywhere. I say nothing here of the massacres, the poisonings, the assassinations, the evil doings of various kinds of which history ac- cuses many of the pontiffs who sat on papal thrones. Such evils dd not stare the German and English in the face, as they did the Italians in the fifteenth century. In Germany the vices were mediæval and monkish, not the unblushing infidelity and levities of the Renaissance, which made a radical reformation in Italy impossible. In Germany and England there were left among the people the power of conscience, a rough earnestness of character, the sense of moral accountability, and a fear of divine judgment. Luther was just the man for his work. Sprung from the people, poor, popular, fervent; educated amid priva- tions, religious by nature, yet with exuberant animal spirits; dogmatic, boisterous, intrepid, with a great in- sight into realities; practical, untiring, learned, gene- rally cheerful and hopeful; emancipated from the ter- rors of the Middle Ages through great struggles; pro- gressive in his spirit, lofty in his character, earnest in his piety, believing in the future and in God, —such was the great leader of this emancipating movement. He was not so learned as Erasmus, nor so logical as Calvin, nor so scholarly as Melancthon, nor so broad as Cranmer. He was not a polished man; He was often offensively rude and brusque, and lavish of epithets. Nor was he what we call a modest and humble man, but he was intellectually proud, disdainful, and sometimes, when irritated, abusive. None of his pictures repre- sent him as a refined-looking man, scarcely intellectual, but coarse and sensual rather, as Socrates seemed to the Athenians. But with these defects and drawbacks he had just such traits and gifts as fitted him to lead a great popular movement, —bold, audacious, with deep convictions and rapid intellectual processes; prompt, de- cided, kind-hearted, generous, brave; in sympathy with the people, eloquent, Herculean in energies, with an amazing power of work; electrical in his smile and in his words, and always ready for contingencies. Had he been more polished, more a gentleman, more fas- tidious, more scrupulous, more ascetic, more modest, he would have shrunk from his tasks; he would have lost the elasticity of his mind, —he would have been discouraged. Even Saint Augustine, a broader and more catholic man than Luther, could not have done his work. He was a sort of converted Mirabeau. He loved the storms of battle; he impersonated revolu- tionary ideas. But he was a man of thought, as well as of action. Luther's origin was of the humblest. Born in Eisle- ben, Nov. 10, 1483, the son of a poor peasant, his child- hood was spent in penury. He was religious from a boy. He was religious when he sang hymns for a liv- ing, from house to house, before the people of Mansfield while at school there, and also at the schools of Magde- burg and Eisenach, where he still earned his bread by his voice. His devotional character and his music gained for him a friend who helped him through his studies, till at the age of eighteen he entered the Uni- versity at Erfurt, where he distinguished himself in the classics of Mediæval philosophy. And here his religious meditations led him to enter the Augustinian monastery: he entered that strict retreat, as others did, to lead a religious life. The great question of all time pressed upon his mind with peculiar force, What shall a man give in exchange for his soul? And it shows that religious life in Germany still burned in many a heart, in spite of the corruptions of the Church, that a young man like Luther should seek the shades of monastic seclusion, for meditation and study. He was a monk, like other monks; but it seems he had religious doubts and fears more than ordi- nary monks. At first he conformed to the customary ways of me seeking salvation. He walked in the beaten road, like Saint Dominic and Saint Francis; he accepted the great ideas of the Middle Ages, which he was afterwards to repudiate, —he was not beyond them, or greater than they were, at first; he fasted like monks, and tormented his body with austerities, as they did from the time of Benedict, he sang in the choir from early morn, and practised the usual severities. But his doubts and fears remained. He did not, like other monks, find peace and consolation; he did not become seraphic, like Saint Francis, or Bonaventura, or Loyola. Perhaps his nature repelled asceticism; per- haps his inquiring and original mind wanted something better and surer to rest upon than the dreams and visions of a traditional piety. Had he been satisfied with the ordinary mode of propitiating the Deity, he would never have emerged from his retreat. To a scholar the monastery had great attractions, even in that age. It was still invested with poetic associations and consecrated usages; it was indorsed by the venerable Fathers of the Church; it was favorable to study, and free from the noisy turmoil of the world. But with all these advantages Luther was miserable. He felt the agonies of an unforgiven soul in quest of peace with God; he could not get rid of hem, they pursued him into the immensity of an intolerable night. He was in despair. What could austerities do for him? He hungered and thirsted after the truth, like Saint Augustine in Milan. He had no taste for philosophy, but he wanted the repose that philosophers pretended to teach. He was then too narrow to read Plato or Boethius. He was a self-tormented monk without re- lief; he suffered all that Saint Paul suffered at tarsus. In some respect this monastic pietism resembled the pharisaism of Saul, in the schools of Tarsus, —a tech- nical, rigid, and painful adherence to rules, fastings, stated prayers, and petty ritualisms, which, originally framed as aids to grace, by repetition lose their power; based on the enormous error that man may win heaven by external practices, in which, however, he can never perfect himself, though he were to live, like Simeon Stylites, on the top of a pillar for twenty years without once descending; an eternal unrest, because perfection cannot be attained; the most terrible slavery to which a man can be conscientiously doomed, verging into hypocrisy and fanaticism. It was then that a kind and enlightened friend visited him, and recommended him to read the Bible. The Bible never has been a sealed book to monks; it was ever highly prized; no convent was without it: but it was read with the spectacles of he Middle Ages. Repentance meant penance. In Saint Paul's Epistles Luther discovers the true ground of justification, —not works, but faith; for Paul had passed through similar experiences. Works are good, but faith is the gift of God. Works are imperfect with the best of men, even the highest form of works, to a Mediæval eye, —self- expiation and penance; but faith is infinite, radiating from divine love; faith is a boundless joy, —salvation by the grace of God, his everlasting and precious boon to people who cannot climb to heaven on their hands and knees, the highest gift which God ever bestowed on men, —eternal life. Luther is thus emancipated from the ideas of the Middle Ages and of the old Syriac monks and of the Jewish Pharisees. In his deliverance he has new hopes and aspirations; he becomes cheerful, and devotes him- self to his studies. Nothing can make a man more cheerful and joyful than the cordial reception of a gift which is infinite, a blessing which is too priceless to be bought. The pharisee, the monk, the ritualist, is gloomy, ascetic, severe, intolerant; for he is not quite sure of his salvation. A man who accepts heaven as a gift is full of divine enthusiasm, like Saint Augustine. Luther now comprehends Augustine, the great doctor of the Church, embraces his philosophy and sees how much it has been misunderstood. The rare attainments and interesting character of Luther are at last recog- nized; he is made a professor of divinity in the new university, which the Elector of Saxony has endowed, at Wittenberg. he becomes a favorite with the students; he enters into the life of the people. He preaches with wonderful power, for he is popular, earnest, original, fresh, electrical. He is a monk still, but the monk is merged in the learned doctor and eloquent preacher. He does not yet even dream of attacking monastic in- stitutions, or the Pope; he is a good Catholic in his obedience to authorities; but he hates the Middle Ages, and all their ghostly, funereal, burdensome, and techni- ca; religious customs. He is human, almost convivial, —fond of music, of poetry, of society, of friends, and the good cheer of the social circle. The people love Luther, for he has a broad humanity. They never did love monks, only feared their maledictions. About this time the Pope was in great need of money: this was Leo X. He not only squandered his vast revenues in pleasures and pomps, like any secu- lar monarch; he not only collected pictures and stat- ues, —but he wanted to complete St. Peter's Church. It was the crowning glory of papal magnificence. Where was he to get money except from the contri- butions of Christendom? But kings and princes and bishops and abbots were getting tired of this everlast- ing drain of money to Rome, in the shape of annats and taxes; so Leo revived an old custom of the Dark Ages, —he would sell "plenary indulgences" and he sent his agents to market them in every country. The agent in Saxony was a very popular preacher, a shrewd Dominican prior by the name of Tetzel. Lu- ther abhorred him, not so much because he was vulgar and noisy, but because his infamous business derogated from the majesty of God and religion. In wrathful in- dignation he preached against Tetzel and his practices, —the abominable traffic of indulgences. Only God can forgive sins. It seemed to him to be an insult to the human understanding that any man, even a pope should grant an absolution for crime. These indulgences also provided the release of deceased friends from purgatory. And it was useless to preach against them so long as the principles on which they were based were not assailed. Everybody believed in penance; everybody believed that this, in some form, would insure salvation. It consisted in a temporal penalty or punishment inflicted on the sinner after confession to the priest, as a condition of his re- ceiving absolution or an authoritative pardon of his sin by the Church as God's representative. And the indul- gence was originally an official remission of this pen- alty, to be gained by offerings of money to the Church for its sacred uses. However ingenious this theory, the practice inevitably ran into corruption. The peo- ple who bought, the agents who sold, the popes who dispensed, these indulgences wrested them from their original intention. Fortunately, in those times in Germany everybody felt he had a soul to save. Neither the popes nor the Church ever lost that idea. The clergy ruled by its force, —by stimulating fears of divine wrath, whereby the wretched sinner would be physically tormented forever, unless he escaped by a propitiation of the Deity, —the common form of which was penance, deeds of supererogation, donations to the Church, self-expia- tion, works of fear and penitence, which commended themselves to the piety of the age; and this piety Lu- ther now believed to be unenlightened, not the kind enjoined by Christ or Paul. So, to instruct his students and the people as to the true ground of justification, which he had worked out from the study of the Bible and Saint Augustine amid the agonies of the tormented conscience, Luther prepared his theses, —those celebrated ninety-five propositions, which he affixed to the gates of the church of Wittenberg, ad which excited a great sen- sation throughout Northern Germany, reaching even the eyes of the Pope himself, who did not compre- hend their tendency, but was struck with their power. "This Doctor Luther. said he, is a man of fine ge- nius. The students of the university, and the people generally, were kindled as if by Pentecostal fires. The new invention of printing scattered those theses every- where, far and near; they reached the humble ham- let as well as the palaces of bishops and princes. They excited immediate and immense enthusiasm; there was freshness in them, originality, and great ideas. We cannot wonder at the enthusiasm which those religious ideas excited nearly four hundred years ago when we reflect that they were not cant words then, not worn-out platitudes, not dead dogmas, but full of life and exciting interest, —even as were the watch- words of Rousseau—"Liberty, Fraternity, Equality"— to Frenchmen, on the outbreak of their political revolu- tion. And as those watchwords—abstractly true— rouse the dormant energies of the French to a terri- le conflict against feudalism and royalty, o those theses of Luther kindled Germany into a living flame. And why? Because they presented more cheerful and comforting grounds of justification than had been preached for one thousand years, —faith rather than penance; for works hinged on penance. The underly- ing principle of those propositions was grace, —divine grace to save the world, —the principle of Paul and Saint Augustine; therefore not new, but forgotten; a mighty comfort to miserable people, mocked and cheated and robbed by a venal and gluttonous clergy. Even Taine admits that this doctrine of grace is the founda- tion stone of Protestantism as it spread over Europe in the sixteenth century. In those places where Protes- tantism is dead, —where rationalism or Pelagian specu- lations have taken its place, —this fact may be denied; but the history of Northern Europe blazes with it, —a fact which no historian of any honesty can deny. Very likely those who are not in sympathy with this great idea of Luther, Augustine, and Paul may ignore the fact, —even as Caleb Cushing once declared to me, that the Reformation sprang from the desire of Luther to marry Catherine Bora; and that learned and ingenious sophist overwhelmed me with his citations from infidel and ribald Catholic writers like Audin. Greater men than he deny that grace underlies the whole original movement of the reformers, and they talk of the Reformation as a mere revolt from Rome, as a war against papal corruption, as a protest against monkery and the dark ages, brought about by the spirit of a new age, the onward march of humanity, the necessary progress of society. I admit the sec- ondary causes of the Reformation, which are very important, —the awakening spirit of inquiry in the sixteenth century, the revival of poetry and litera- ture and art, the breaking up of feudalism, fortunate discoveries, the introduction of Greek literature, the Renaissance, the disgusts of Christendom, the voice of martyrs calling aloud from their funeral pyres; yea, the friendly hand of princes and scholars deploring the evils of a corrupted Church. But how much had Savonarola, or Erasmus, or John Huss, or the Lollards aroused the enthusiasm of Europe, great and noble as were their angry and indignant protests? The genius of the Reformation in its early stages was a religious movement, not a political or a moral one, although it became both political and moral. Its strength and fer- vor were in the new ideas of salvation, —the same that gave power to the early preachers of Christianity, — not denunciations of imperialism and slavery, and ten thousand evils which disgraced the empire, but the proclamation of the ideas of Paul as to the grounds of hope when the soul should leave the body; the salva- tion of the Lord, declared to a world in bondage. Lu- ther kindled the same religious life among the masses that the apostles did; the same that Wyclif did, and by the same means, —the declaration of salvation by the be- lief in the incarnate Son of God, shedding his blood in infinite love. Why, see how this idea spread through Germany, Switzerland, and France, and took possession of the minds of the English and Scotch yeomanry, with all their stern and earnest ruggedness. See how it was elaborately expanded by Calvin, how it gave birth to anew and strong theology, how it entered into the very life of the people, especially among the Puritans, —into the souls of even Cromwell's soldiers. What made "The Pilgrim's Progress" the most popular book ever published in England? Because it reflected the theology of the age, the religion of the people, all based on Luther's theses, —the revival of those old doctrines which converted the Roman provinces from Paganism. I do not care if these statements are denied by Cath- olics or rationalists, or progressive savants. What is it to me that the old views have become unfashionable, or are derided, or are dead, in the absorbing materialism of this Epicurean yet brilliant age? I know this, that I am true to history when I declare that the glorious Reformation in which we all profess to rejoice, and which is the greatest movement, and the best, of our modern time, —susceptible of infinite application, interlinked with the literature and the progress of Eng- land and America, —took its first great spiritual start from the ideas of Luther as to justification. This was the voice of heaven's messenger proclaiming aloud, so that the heavens re-echoed to the glorious and tri- umphant annunciation, and the earth heard and re- joiced with exceeding joy, Behold, I send tidings of salvation: it s grace, divine grace, which shall under- mine the throne of popes and pagans, and reconcile a fallen world to God! Yes, it was a Christian philosopher, a theologian, — a doctor of divinity, working out in his cell and study, through terrible internal storm and anguish, and against the whole teaching of monks and bishops and popes and universities, from the time of Charlemagne, the same truth which Augustine learned in his wonder- ful experiences, —who started the Reformation in the right direction; who became the greatest benefactor of these modern times, because he based his work on everlasting and positive ideas, which had life in them, and hope, and the sanction of divine authority; thus virtually invoking the aid of God Almighty to bring about and restore the true glory of his Church on earth, —a glory forever to be identified with the death of his Son. I see no law of progress here, no natural and necessary development of nations; I see only the light and power of individual genius, brushing away the cobwebs and sophistries and frauds of the Middle Ages, and bringing out to the gaze of Europe the vital truth which, with supernatural aid, made in old times the day of Pentecost. And I think I hear the emancipated people of Saxony exclaim, from the Elector downwards, If these ideas of Doctor Luther are true, and we feel them to be, then all our penances have been worse than wasted, —we have been Pagans. Away with our miserable efforts to scale the heavens! Let us accept what we cannot buy; let us make our palaces and our cottages alike vocal with the praises of Him whom we now accept as our Deliverer, or King and our Eternal Lord. " Thus was born the first great idea of the Reforma- tion, out of Luther's brain, out of his agonized soul, and sent forth to conquer, and produce changes most marvellous to behold. It is not my object to discuss the truth or error of this fundamental doctrine. There are many who deny it even among Protestants. I am not a controversial- ist, or a theologian: I am simply an historian. I wish to show what is historically true and clear; and I defy all the scholars and critics of the world to prove that this doctrine is not the basal pillar of the Reforma- tion of Luther. I wish to make emphatic the state- ment that justification by faith was, as an historical fact, the great primal idea of Luther; not new, but new to him and to his age. I have now to show how this idea led to others; how they became connected together; how they produced not only a spiritual movement, but political, moral, and intellectual forces, until all Europe was in a blaze. Thus far the agitation under Luther had been chiefly theological. It was not a movement against popes or institutions, it was not even the vehement denunciation against sin in high places, which inflamed the anger of the Pope against Savonarola. To some it doubtless seemed like the old controversy between Augustine and Pelagius, like the contentions between Dominican and Franciscan monks. But it was too important to escape the attention of even Leo X., although at first he gave it no thought. It was a dangerous agitation; it had become popular; there was no telling where it would end, or what it might not assail. It was deemed neces- sary to stop the mouth of this bold and intellectual Saxon theologian. chapter from Beacon Lights of History, by John Lord, LL. D., Volume III, Part II: Renaissance and Reformation, pp. 215 - 233 Copyright, 1883, by John Lord. Copyright, 1921, By Wm. H. Wise & Co., New York.
Watch your favorite film critics battle it out in. FilmTwitter SMACKDOWN Live! The inaugural {fun. film debate to celebrate Oscilloscope Laboratories new books MUSINGS - Volumes 1 & 2, a printed collection of writing on overlooked & forgotten corners of cinema culture & history. Join moderators Charles Bramesco (The Guardian, Vulture) and Alissa Wilkinson (Vox) for a duel royale. Tuesday, November 19th McNally Jackson 76 N 4th St, BrooklynDoors at 7pm / Debate begins at 7:30pm With panel participants (and Musings contributors) Bilge Ebiri, Sheila O'Malley, Chris Evangelista, Soheil Rezayazdi, David Roth, Vadim Rizov, Joshua Rothkopf and Steven Goldman. Debate topics may cover such varied cultural touchstones as: Actually Crying Right Now: Is there room in criticism to stan? Scorsese VS Everybody: But is it cinema? Classic Malick or Late Malick: you must pick one! Is ERASERHEAD actually good? Movie Musicals: Is there life after CATS? Award for most tiresome discourse of the year 8 acclaimed film critics. 2 mischievous moderators. Free booze! Swag giveaways! Plenty of hot takes to go around. About Musings: MUSINGS features original, independent, quality film writing from esteemed journalists such as Scott Tobias (NPR, The Dissolve, The Onion) Alison Nastasi (Flavorwire, MTV, Pitchfork) Judy Berman (Time, New York Times, Washington Post) Mike DAngelo (The A. V. Club, Nerve) Keith Phipps (Slate, The Atlantic, Vulture) and Bilge Ebiri (New York Times, New York Magazine, Village Voice) just to name a few. Writers who contributed to Musings were tasked with delving into neglected corners of cinema they were eager to illuminate, propping up known cinephilic milestones and mainstream blockbusters in equal measure. The pieces sampled in the Musings anthologies are comprised of smart, eclectic writing from a diverse group of talented and thoughtful critics and editors. Wholly creations of their respective writers, the pieces range in theme and tone, with subjects as diverse as K. Austin Collins provocative argument in favor of Magic Mike XXL, a deep-dive into the proliferation of witchcraft in post-counterculture cinema, from Witchcraft 70 and Season of the Witch to The Witches of Eastwick and The Craft, to a dual-examination of the evolution of Werner Herzog from German New Wave iconoclast to brand-name auteur. Its that kind of writing—thoughtful, evocative, and, most of all, full of passion—that brings this collection to life. About Oscilloscope: Oscilloscope Laboratories is a film production and distribution entity launched in 2008 by Adam Yauch of Beastie Boys. Yauch modeled the company after the indie record labels he grew up around, choosing films and releasing them with the same artistic integrity with which they were made. The company, an extension of Yauchs recording studio of the same name, has an in-house DVD distribution and production arm, and its paper packaging is reminiscent of the heyday of LP record jackets. Previous and current releases include Lynne Ramsays Golden Globe- nominated WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT KEVIN starring Tilda Swinton and John C. Reilly; Kelly Reichardts MEEKS CUTOFF starring Michelle Williams; Ciro Guerras Oscar- nominated EMBRACE OF THE SERPENT; Ceyda Toruns KEDI; Judd Apatow and Michael Bonfiglios MAY IT LAST: A PORTRAIT OF THE AVETT BROTHERS; Josephine Deckers MADELINES MADELINE; Hassan Fazili and Emelie Mahdavians MIDNIGHT TRAVELER and hundreds more. Upcoming releases include: Jon Kasbes WHEN LAMBS BECOME LIONS; Ben Mullinkossons DONT BE A DICK ABOUT IT; Alex Thompsons SAINT FRANCES; Alex Rivera and Cristina Ibarras THE INFILTRATORS; Matthew Rankins THE TWENTIETH CENTURY; and Jack Henry Robbinss VHYES.
May god bless you all.
Josh O' Connor as Mr. Elton, the only reason I'd watch another Emma
Saint frances free watch streaming. A Review of My Holy Trinity: the Patek Philippe Calatrava 3919J, the Vacheron Constantin Patrimony 31160/000J & the Audemars Piguet Royal Oak 56303SA Video version available here An Introduction Watch collecting has been an immensely enjoyable experience for me in this lifetime. I rotate my Patek Philippe Calatrava, Vacheron Constantin Patrimony and Audemars Piguet Royal Oak throughout the week, and it gives me great joy and always puts a smile on my face as I look down at my wrist to check the time every now and then. My three watches “sing” to me. They strike a chord within me, heighten my senses and elevate my spirits much like how a masterpiece of fine art makes me feel alive. My Calatrava is like a Titian or Rubens, glorious, the embodiment of precision, a tour de force. My Patrimony is like a Vermeer or Turner, effortlessly elegant, harmonious, graceful, opulent, sensuous. My Royal Oak is like a Klimt or Rothko, bold, striking, forward-thinking. What follows is a very personal review of my three favorite watches of all time. The three watches that, to me, epitomize grand watchmaking tradition. My three grail watches that I have been fortunate enough to have found after searching for several decades, and, as hard as I look to add to my collection, I cant find any other that appeals as well to my tastes. The three pieces I own by the three Maisons that have the longest and most impeccable and immaculate reputation, history and heritage. My Holy Trinity. The Patek Philippe Calatrava Reference 3919J, calibre 215PS, in 18K solid yellow gold Founded in 1839, Patek Philippe is the oldest watchmaker still family-owned and widely considered to be the most prestigious watchmaker. The most expensive watch ever sold at auction, at 24 million, is a Patek Philippe. The Calatrava lines name comes from the Spanish order of knights named after the castle they protected. My 3919J is the most important and most-recognized Patek Philippe of all time. It is the definitive must-have watch. It has several key, notable features—flourishes—that make it instantly attractive and unmistakably elegant. First is the guilloché bezel, called Clous de Paris. Usually, watches that exhibit a guilloché pattern somewhere on a surface have it on the dial. In order to feature an enamel dial, however, Patek Philippe had its artisans carve the Clous de Paris pattern on the bezel. Two rows of miniature pyramids form this Clous de Paris pattern. And they are exquisite. They sparkle as light rays reflect off the faces of each pyramid. Guilloché is different than hand-engraving because the artisan hand-operates a machine to evenly carve multiple patterns with minute tolerance, while hand-engraving is free-chiseling by hand with wider tolerance. The glossy white enamel dial, as mentioned above, would be the second most notable feature, in my opinion. It glistens in the sunlight and resembles a jewel. I have always loved leaf hands because of their Old World appeal and the 3919J features them in white gold, blackened. The sub-seconds dial is particularly prominent. At the 6 oclock, it, along with the Roman numeral markers, endow the watch with a very 19th century pocket watch motif. The fact that it has no date lends to its balanced appeal. The wording of the logo is understated, with just the all-caps PATEK PHILIPPE followed by GENEVE in the next line. The 18-carat solid gold crown is signed with the Calatrava symbol. The 18-carat solid gold case has brushed sides to maximize its understatedness. Curved lugs connect the case with the original black round scale alligator strap, signed Patek Philippe, Geneve. The exquisite 18-carat solid gold buckle is fully polished, heavy and full of style. I am particularly fond of its angular aesthetic. The calibre 215PS is an in-house, manually-wound, high-beat movement, renowned for its reliability, accuracy and longevity. It is widely regarded as the single most important in-house movement responsible for establishing the solid reputation of Patek Philippe watches. The PS stands for petite seconde. Exquisitely decorated, the movement is graced with the Geneva seal, anglage, perlage, chamfered edges and polished screws. It is 21. 9 millimeters in diameter and 2. 55 millimeters in height. With 130 parts, it has 18 jewels and provides a minimum of 44 hours of power reserve. It ticks at a frequency of 28, 800 semi-oscillations per hour, or four hertz, and has a Gyromax balance with a Spiromax balance spring. The 3919Js fast-beating heart sounds like a high-pitched neigh of a Ferrari 250 GTO—crisp, metallic and loud when held to my ear, which I love. Its 33mm diameter is perfect for my six inch wrist. Im six feet tall but lanky with six inch wrists. Patek Philippe introduced the bezel-set Clous de Paris in the 3520 in 1973. Shortly thereafter, Patek Philippes “Don Draper” chief advertising executive Rene Bittel refined the design into the 3919J in 1984. The 3520s bezel-set Clous de Paris was combined with the enamel dial, blackened white gold leaf hands, the small seconds register at the six and sharp Roman numeral hour markers to evoke the classicism of the 19th century to form the 3919J. The 3919J revitalized the Maison and launched its reach from not just old money European families but to international financiers of the 1980s. Former GE CEO Jack Welch wore the 3520, while billionaire Warren Buffett wore the 3919J. In this sense, the 3919J is all-business, the billionaires watch. Other wearers of Patek Philippe throughout history include John F. Kennedy, Pablo Picasso, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Leo Tolstoy, Albert Einstein, Pope Pius IX, Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II. The Stern family that owns the Maison is committed to continuing Patek Philippes grand watchmaking tradition and independence in perpetuity. My Patek Philippe Calatrava 3919J is the ultimate gentlemans watch, the ultimate luxury watch, and the ultimate bankers watch. It is perhaps the ideal watch for the boardroom. While it is perfect with a suit or for a black-tie event, in my opinion it could also be dressed down, with a polo and boat shoes, for example. Timeless in design, form and style, it is the embodiment of class, taste and refinement. The Vacheron Constantin Patrimony Reference 31160/000J, calibre 1132. 2 (based on the Frederic Piguet 8. 10 ebauche) in 18K solid yellow gold Founded in 1755, Vacheron Constantin is the oldest watchmaker continually in existence and widely considered to be the second most prestigious watchmaker. Vacheron Constantin created the most complicated mechanical watch ever made, with 57 horological complications. The Patrimony line is the most famous line by Vacheron Constantin, characterized by clean, simple dials as part of a traditional dress watch. My 31160/000J is one of the most important and most-recognized Vacheron Constantins of all time—a must-have, in my opinion. The most noticeable feature is the bright 18-carat solid gold Maltese cross—Vacheron Constantins official emblem—at the 12 oclock, followed by the Maisons name. Because “Vacheron Constantin” has a lot of letters and is perhaps one of the longest watch brand names, the logo as it is presented on this watch is especially eye-catching. One of the key characteristics of my Patrimony that I love is the design choice of the long, thin Roman numerals—very 19th century La Belle Époque. Sans date, its balance is breath-taking. Like the Calatrava, my Patrimony features black leaf hands, which I adore. It has a crisp white dial, exuding composure and dignity. Its unostentatious and unadorned thin round gold case enhances its effortlessly regal quality. It is secured with a brown crocodile round scale strap. Its Maltese cross buckle in 18-carat solid gold is particularly arresting in my eyes, instantly recognizable as the watch of kings and presidents. To me, everything about this watch is the purest example of perfection in proportion and form. The manually-wound calibre 1132. 2 is based on the Frederic Piguet 8. 10 ebauche. Frederic Piguet is the highest-end ebauche manufacturer. Relative to the Patek Philippe 215PS found in the 3919J, the Vacheron Constantin 1132. 2 is a slower- quieter-beating engine. It is also exquisitely decorated and features the Geneva seal. At 18. 4 millimeters in diameter and 2 millimeters in height, it has 20 jewels and provides a 40 hour power reserve. With KIF shock protection, it has a three-legged monumental balance, flat hairspring, and beats at a frequency of 21, 600 vph. It reminds me of a bulletproof tank. Its tick is softer, like a nuclear submarine behind thick armor and miles of water heard through sonar. Its 33mm diameter is also perfect for my six inch wrist. President Truman wore a Vacheron Constantin. In fact, Vacheron Constantin is particularly presidential, stately and regal, making it the ideal choice for the aristocracy, heads of state and heads of industry. Other Vacheron Constantin patrons include John D. Rockefeller, Napoleon Bonaparte, Pope Pius XI and Queen Elizabeth II. Vacheron Constantin is owned by Richemont, which is committed to deepening Vacheron Constantins reputation as the oldest and most famous watchmaker that has continually existed, ever since the middle of the 18th century. This Vacheron Constantin Patrimony 31160/000J is the ultimate watch connoisseurs watch. While someone who knows a little bit about watches may have heard of Patek Philippe or Audemars Piguet, only the true watch aficionado knows about Vacheron Constantin, their legacy, and their rich watchmaking tradition dating continuously back to 1755, the coronation year of Louis XVI, King of France, and the birth year of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France. I would even say that Vacheron Constantin is as exclusive as Voutilainen, Laurent Ferrier, or Philippe Dufour—the “modern-day Vacherons. ” But, while Voutilainen has existed for only 17 years, Laurent Ferrier for 9 years and Philippe Dufour for 41 years as of the time of this writing, Vacheron Constantin has been in continuous operation for 265 years. To put this in context, Vacheron Constantin is older than the United States of America. Like the Calatrava, the Patrimony 31160/000J is perfect with a suit but could also be dressed down. It never fails to exude class, taste and timeless refinement. The Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Reference 56303SA (no-date version of the 56175SA) calibre 2612, in 18K solid yellow gold and stainless steel Founded in 1875, Audemars Piguet is the oldest watchmaker still owned by the founding family and widely considered to be the third most prestigious watchmaker. Audemars Piguet created the world's first luxury sportwatch, the Royal Oak. The Royal Oak line epitomizes the Grande Tour lifestyle. In contrast with the gravitas of my Patek Philippe Calatrava 3919J and my Vacheron Constantin Patrimony 31160/000J, my Audemars Piguet Royal Oak 56303SA has a little fun, but does it in a stately and majestic way. It is a sportwatch that is also refined and aristocratic, embodying the essence of the playboy race car driver and yachting billionaire. My 56303SA is one of the most important and most-recognized Audemars Piguets of all time. A must-have, it features the instantly recognizable octagonal bezel in 18-carat solid gold with the familiar eight hexagonal screws, in unison at once awe-inspiring and dazzling. Its gray tapisserie dial is truly dramatic, and I love its oval lumed hands and oval lumed hour markers. Its no-date design gives it a balanced, zen feel. The 18-carat solid gold AP logo is prominent, serving as the 12 oclock marker. Its hexagonal crown is pronounced from the case, which is in stainless steel, tapering naturally to the integrated bracelet, which is of the highest quality, with brushed sides, while featuring polished beveled edges. The bracelet is sensational to behold. The clasp is especially noteworthy in both its minimalist style and iron-clad security, in solid milled, polished and brushed steel, culminating in an 18-carat solid gold button lever for easy operation. The Royal Oak 56303SAs calibre 2612 provides a quiet, silent whirr of the oscillating crystal, perfect for tennis or golf, which require a watch of prominence that is also shock-proof. Like my Calatrava 3919J and Patrimony 31160/000J, my Royal Oak 56303SA has a 33mm diameter, again, perfect for my six inch wrist. Worn by Prince Michael of Kent, the Royal Oak is at once regal, industrial and masculine. But unlike a modern day tool watch that feels like a modern day gun or jet fighter, the Royal Oak feels to me like what a royal crown or a royal sword owned by an emperor might feel like. Other Audemars Piguet timepiece owners include King of Spain Juan Carlos I, King of Spain Felipe VI, Michael Schumacher, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tom Cruise. The Audemars family that owns the brand is committed to upholding the Maisons fine watchmaking tradition ad infinitum. The Royal Oak 56303SA is the ultimate jet-setters watch, perfect for enjoying a cocktail in the Côte d'Azur, either Saint-Tropez or Monte Carlo. It is the perfect watch to wear with khakis, Gucci loafers and Oliver Peoples sunglasses while getting that perfect tan. It is ideal for tennis, golf, polo and yacht-racing. It redefines class, taste and timeless refinement. Conclusion In my opinion, my Patek Philippe Calatrava 3919J, Vacheron Constantin Patrimony 31160/000J and Audemars Piguet Royal Oak 56303SA represent the peak in terms of exuding understated elegance, class and good taste. To me, the three watchmakers achieved perfection when they created these three masterpieces. All three have been discontinued, which means that their prices are steadily increasing. Thank you for reading, cheers, and I hope that you have found your Holy Grails as well, or if not yet then some day will. And may they give you as much pleasure, joy and excitement as mine are giving me.
First I Previous I Next During the consulship of Gnaeus Pompey Magnus and Quintus Caecilius Metellus Pius Scipio Nasica, on the 5th day before the Kalends in the mensis September, DCCII anno urbis conditae (702 years since the founding of Rome) at the fortified settlement of Alesia in Gaul ( September 28th, 52 BCE - Alise-Sainte-Reine, France) Septimus Marcellus stood in the watchtower overlooking the valley below and heard the sound of movement. It was a surprise to no one, with the Gaul reinforcements encamped a mere mille passus distant. That they would come was as inevitable as the rising of the Rome was waiting for them. Though in truth all the Legions had accomplished was the vision of a single man, Gaius Caesar, Consul and Imperator. He had conquered Gaul for Rome, putting down the inevitable rebellions that followed until a true rival had finally emerged to challenge him. Vercingetorix of the Averni had gathered together the other tribes and placed them under his banner, building on the successes he and other chieftains had accomplished, such as the humiliating destruction of Legio XIV Gemina the year before. They knew now that Rome could be beaten and were determined to make it happen. It had all come down to one hilltop fort, surrounded by enemies without and within. Whether the future of Gaul belonged to Rome or the tribes would be decided here. Vercingetorix had withdrawn here, at the stronghold of the Mandubii, to gather his forces, with the Legions in pursuit. With eighty thousand tribesmen holed up in their forted position, Caesar decided that a frontal assault would be far too costly a proposition. Instead, hed settled in on a siege, ordering his Praefectus Fabrum to build a wall surrounding the hilltop. Eleven mille passus long, it was completed in three weeks, along with the necessary watchtowers, breastworks, and ditches to truly keep the Gauls penned in. Caesar would let them starve and then accept their surrender. A textbook engineering solution. But before the wall had gone up, Vercingetorix had sent runners to the other tribes, informing them of Romes plans. Within weeks they were on the move, converging on Alesia from all directions, determined to crush the Legions against the very walls theyd just constructed. To Gaius Caesar, the solution was obvious: build a second wall to keep them out. They sent foraging parties into the woods once more to bring out the necessary timbers. More weeks went by as they raised the second palisade, this one over fourteen mille passus in length. The work parties were under constant harassment by rebelling tribes, forcing them to increase the size of the protective forces sent with them. Work slowed, and suddenly it had become a race. Would the second wall be raised in time, to hold against the Gauls? But Atrox Fortuna had smiled upon them, and they finished the great works in time. Vercingetorix watched all of this from his hilltop fort, with an eye on his rapidly dwindling supplies. Just as Caesar had predicted food was growing short, forcing the leader of the Averni to make a hard choice. He gathered together the young, the old, and the sick, and sent them to the wall to beg their enemies for safe passage out. Surely Caesar would welcome the reduction in numbers of his enemies, and with fewer mouths to feed he could hold out that much longer. Unfortunately for the Gauls, Vercingetorix had grossly underestimated just how ruthless Caesar could be. The Roman Imperator refused their passage, leaving them to starve to death on the outside of their walls. With the situation growing increasingly desperate, they knew the time had come to attack. Which was why Septimus Marcellus was posted here, on the northern wall. (Hed kept the name hed used during the Punic Wars, as it was common enough in Rome. On the very rare occasions an old comrade raised a questioning brow it was simple enough to claim he merely shared the name with his more much older lative. The walls surrounding Alesia didnt completely encircle the camp. There were gaps, where the hilly terrain and the River Isara had prevented the engineers from fully completing their task. Septimus had accompanied the Imperator on his many inspections of the palisades, and both knew full well this weak point would be the focus of the Gauls attack. If they could make a breach, force their way through, it would doom the apped between the two walls of their own making. But the men were confident. Caesars skill in battle was without parallel, and while outnumbered they held good, well-defended high ground. Let the Gauls come, for the Legions stood ready, their gleaming gold eagle standards held high with pride. A new sound caught his attention, as cheers of “ Ave! ” heralded the approach of the Imperator himself. Septimus had to smile at that, Gaius Caesar knew better than anyone how to win the loyalty of men. That he would come here to personally take charge was inevitable for he knew his own strengths, and this was the place where the coming battle would be lost. The cheers continued as he mounted the steps to join him on the watchtower. Septimus raised his fist to his chest and bowed, saluting his commander. “May Mars Pater grant us victory this day, Imperator, ” he said formally. “I have every confidence he will, Adiutor, ” Caesar replied. “The auguries have been most positive, and I have learned to never argue with the gods. ” Confidence poured out from the man like water from a river, and like those that stood with him, Septimus knew he had the skills to back those words. The plan he had crafted was sound, and if all went well, this day would mark the end of the Gaul rebellion. A roar sounded in the distance, and this one did not come from Roman throats. Caesars eyes narrowed as he located its source. “ Soon, ” he nodded, “a quarter-hour, and no more, ” he said with confidence. “Have the men stand ready. ” Septimus passed the order in hushed tones. The Imperator hoped to catch the attackers by surprise and shouted commands would not accomplish that. The onagers and ballistae were made ready as well, for they could not remain under tension for long without damaging the very sinews that gave them their power. Yet another cry was head, this one to their rear, as Caesar nodded once again. “Of course Vercingetorix would time his assault of the inner walls to coincide with his allies attack of the outer ones, ” he murmured. “Thankfully, I have entrusted Caius Trebonius to thwart his efforts. ” Trebonius was a skilled commander in his own right, lieutenant to the Imperator himself. If anyone could prevent the Averni chieftain from breaching the wall, it was him. Caesars prediction was as accurate as always. Before the quarter-hour was up the Gauls appeared, rushing the wall with a scream as they fought to overwhelm the outnumbered Romans. “ Loose! ” the Imperator shouted, as the siege weapons and archers opened up, raining death upon the enemy. It scarcely slowed them down. Soon they were at the walls themselves, as pilum and gladius came into play, cutting and stabbing and slashing at the barbarians without mercy. Without the palisades it would have been over in an instant, with them it merely delayed the crush of their superior numbers. If they could manage a breach, then all hope was lost. But there was one final string to Caesars bow. As the enemy massed itself against the wall, their attention to their front, suddenly the Roman cavalry burst out from the trees and attacked their vulnerable rear. By the time the Gauls recognized the was already too late. “Wasnt that kind of risky, standing between the two enemy forces like that? ” Lil asked. “It was, ” Sam agreed, sipping his drink. “But that was Caesar. Not only was he skilled and knew he was. ” He smirked as Lil laughed at that. “He had quite the ego. a trait he shared with a few other conquerors Ive known over the he was always convinced hed have the upper hand. Despite evidence to the contrary. ” “And after the battle? ” she prompted. “That was it for a free Gaul, ” he said with a shrug. “Vercingetorix and the other chieftains surrendered, and the tribes became, mostly ssals of Rome. They executed Vercingetorix a few years later. ” Lil slowly nodded. “You said something earlier, about the Republic being flawed. Just how did you bring about the Empire? ” Sam sighed. “Honestly? It took very little effort on my part. I already had the best lever in the world within my himself. Hed been dealing with court intrigues and politics since he was a child, and his family had suffered greatly at the hands of his enemies. Rome was already in turmoil as the First Triumvirate started to crumble. You couldnt even call him paranoid, because he really did have enemies everywhere. ” He shrugged once again. “No, in his mind, the only way he and those he cared about would be safe, was if he took control. I barely had to nudge him at all. His fears and ego did the rest. ” “ Remember Caesar, that thou art mortal, ” she quoted softly. “ started that with Scipio when they dubbed him Africanus, ” he smiled. “I wanted to keep Gaius as humble as an easy task, as you might imagine. Guy could have taught Napoleon a few lessons on that subject. “Things didnt end so well for your first emperor, did they? ” she said carefully. “No, they didnt, ” he sighed. “His enemies had long memories, and it seemed he made a dozen more every time he turned around. Guy had a real talent for it. But Augustus picked up the reins fast enough that he kept things from falling apart and did a pretty good job. I had no complaints. ” He paused and got a far off look in his eye. “Not then, at least. Later, however…” “What? ” she asked curiously. Sam just shook his head. “Same problem as never know what kind of emperor youre going to get. Rome had some real fact, I had to step in and get my hands dirty less than a century later, when things really went off the rails…” WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW MORE? First I Previous I Next.
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Lawrence Durrell as a priest is throwing me off. Real Jobs that will provide you with a place to stay and food to eat, along with a paycheck, also some alt-work opportunities for those of us who live a non-conforming alternative life. For my peeps with wheels: r/Vandwellers, r/RVLiving, r/PriusDwellers, r/UrbanCarLiving, r/TruckCampers, r/RoadTrip, r/VoltDwellers, r/AdventureMobile Work Camping, often referred to as "Workamping" is one of the fastest growing trends in the American job market. In most cases, work campers (both individuals and couples) with their own RV offer their labor as a camp host maintaining a recreational facility in exchange for a free camping site plus wages. Workers On Wheels: Work for RVers and Campers Helps You Earn Your Living … While Enjoying the RVing Lifestyle Welcome to Workamper News—your #1 resource for Workamping! Available for both Workampers and employers, Workamper News has been the premier source for connecting RV lovers and potential employers for more than two decades. Are you a Workamper? If you work in exchange for something of value and sleep in a RV at night, you are indeed! From coast to coast, there are many positions available for Workampers—or those still dreaming of an RV lifestyle—to work and play on the road. Let us put you in touch with the perfect opportunity to meet your Workamping needs. Do you need RV workers? Are you an RVer looking for a campground job? This site is viewed thousands of times every single day by RVers and employers. Employers can submit listings for volunteer work camping positions, paid positions or a combination of both. Positions can be seasonal, temporary, short or long term, full or part time. RV workers can submit a detailed online resume to let employers know they are available. So you want to be a Campground Host in the USNF. A good place to start is your local Ranger District, and search for 'Volunteer' or you can also contact a National Forest Ranger District's Volunteer Coordinator. and everybody's got a phone # and snail mail- for y'all scrugglin with web access. here is the National Forest(s) Main Site for Volunteering (many, many Campground Hosts get paid a small stipend) For my peeps with no wheels: r/SimpleLiving, r/Shoestring, r/onebag, r/vagabond, r/homeless, r/vagabonds, r/HerOneBag, r/ManyBaggers, r/travel, r/backpacking, r/digitalnomad, r/solotravel, r/ultralight, r/minimalism, r/travelpartners / Since 1995, CoolWorks has been a leader in connecting people seeking meaningful and exciting work with the employers who are looking for their enthusiasm, energy, and knowledge. We believe that you can and should LOVE YOUR JOB, and we want to help make that happen! We feature job opportunities in great places — from NATIONAL PARKS to SKI RESORTS, DUDE RANCHES to RETREAT CENTERS, and everything in between. Are you looking for opportunities to work, travel, play, live, learn, help, create, experience and grow? Come explore, dream, discover, do and thrive with! Workaway International gives you the opportunity to: Work in the USA at world class Country Clubs, earn US Dollars, gain valuable international work experience whilst improving your skills and your marketability, explore the USA through arranged trips or travel independently. We offer you…a flight to and from the USA, a guaranteed job, free medical insurance upon selection, comprehensive support structures both at home and in the USA and more. website can be buggy- try using the open in new tab function for links) Xanterra Travel Collection believes people are our most valuable resource. Our success depends upon highly motivated, committed, and competent people who share our vision and work together to attain it, while our work environment encourages responsibility for personal growth and promotes pride in each employee. Xanterra is the main United States National Parks concessionaire Yellowstone- The Grand Canyon- The Lookout Jobs page is a collection of Lookout Jobs, both paid and volunteer. Postings include lookouts for the US Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, and others. FFLA volunteer lookout opportnities and from other programs may also be listed. The posting period typically begins December 1 and goes through spring time of any given fire season year. Launched and conceptualized in 1997, GoAbroad first set out to fill the information gap between students with a desire to travel abroad and companies offering international programs. As the travel industry has evolved and access to opportunities to see the world has grown, our mission has transformed into something much greater than building a bridge between travelers and organizations: weve developed and evolved over the past two decades to meet the ever-changing needs of travelers, positioning ourselves as the resource for meaningful travel around the world. WWOOF organisations connect people who want to live and learn on organic farms and smallholdings with people who want to share their lifestyles, teach new skills and welcome volunteer help. There are places in Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Middle East and Oceania. WWOOF hosts offer food, accommodation and opportunities to stay and learn about organic/biological growing and farming. WWOOF Volunteers give hands on help and have an interest in learning about organic farming and gaining skills in sustainable ways of living. WWOOF is a network of national organisations. They have local knowledge and up to date information about WWOOF volunteering in their country. To become involved in the WWOOF community either at home or away explore the drop down menu above or list below and connect with the local WWOOF organisation directly. and there is always good ol' Craig's List. under the Jobs heading search keywords like: rent" or "room and board. you will be surprised what you can find. Just the other day I found a live-in Maintenance Manager at a swanky apartment complex, you just never know. Be open to suggestions, keep your ear to the ground even when you have a good job and a good roof, and most importantly: be willing to move, get rid of everything, and start over. you can get another dog (ouch. harsh) you can get new furniture, you can let them repo the car, you can ditch it all and start over if it means keeping a roof over your head, don't let possessions tie you down- ever anyway. On with the show! For my peeps with fins: r/Cruise, r/dcl. r/merchantmarine. r/boating / All Cruise Jobs not only provides you with latest cruise ship jobs but also valuable information for job seekers. Use the information on this page to enhance your Resume, prepare for the interview and increase your chances of landing a cruise ship job of your dreams. is your source for experienced boating industry workers & employers. Whether you're looking for a new career, or you're looking for the perfect candidate, BoatJobsOnly is for you. With about 50 new subscribers per day, on average. With over 15, 000 active job-seekers and an average of 60, 000 unique job views per month, there is no better place to find qualified candidates for your maritime positions. Think LinkedIn. but for Cargo Ships Looking for travel jobs and adventures? Searching for employment on board cruise ships? You have come to the right place. Cruise ship jobs enable you to travel the world and get paid for it. Spend your winters in the Caribbean and your summers in Alaska or travel to remote and exotic ports in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, South America and all over the world aboard a luxury cruise ship. Crusin' with the little guys: UnCruise- Alaska Dream Cruises- American Cruise Lines- CrewSeekers- yaCrew- Find a Crew- Crusin' with the big guys: The main hiring portal for Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings, Oceania Cruises, and Regent Seven Seas Cruises brands (Tattoo Friendly) The combined brands of Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. employ over 30, 000 shipboard crew from over 110 different countries. -Viking -Princess -Carnival -Royal Caribbean -Norwegian Corporate No people to bother you Crusin' Watch this dudes YouTube Channel for some damn good info on Merchant Mariners. Hapag-Lloyd -Maersk -MSC Tonz More: Ship Breaking. I'll let y'all find this one. caution- you have been warned shipbreaking often involes human indentured slavery, child labor, and exposure to highly toxic substances -do your homework- it can also be one hell of an adventure, stay away from the ports of Nouadhibou and Chittagong Shipbreakers- where ships come to die and men die with them. Legit ship breaking is out there too, mostly union jobs Fishing- Scrimp, Crabs, actual Fish, Fishing/Packing Ships. The fishing industry offers a lot of jobs, previous experience is not necessary for most of the jobs. Whether you want to work as a deckhand, on an at-sea processor, or at a land-based seafood processor, there is also other fishing industry support jobs, like boat tenders. Glacier Fish Company- Crew members are paid a crew share rate for each trip completed. Entry level earnings can range from 3000 - 3600 per trip. A single trip takes approximately 21-25 days to complete. Crew can expect to work about 3 trips on average in a 65 day contract. (10, 00 for 2 months ain't bad) costs 4. 00 to sign up, to look at jobs, but I use it to get ideas on what's out there. If you are searching for excitement and an unforgettable experience, Silver Bay Seafoods would love to offer YOU a unique opportunity to live and work in Alaska for the season with lodging, food, and transportation provided. Trident is a fully-integrated seafood company; no matter where you choose to join us in the process, you will play an integral role in providing the highest quality seafood products to our customers. MISCELLANEOUS Join the Fuckin' Circus, I shit you not: Live-In Care Givers: Mercenaries: French Foreign Legion. There is also. The Peace Corps- Volunteer Abroad- Live on Site Security- Private Security Guards- Teaching English abroad- What Are the Requirements to Teach English Abroad? most of the time it's just an online course completion) Wildland Fire Fighter/Fire Lines- Au Pair- Au Pair World- GoAuPair- Live in Building Superintendent / Apartment Manager- indeed / simplyhired / etc. Live in Personal Chef- House Sitting- International Butler Academy- Diplomat/Foreign Service Worker- Faculty in Residence- For those looking for farm jobs. posted by u/lilwillyson and last but not least. join a Monastery, seriously. a legit way to check out of the world and have a secured future, there are also some Monastic communities that are Family Friendly, where men and women with their children live in a commune style religious community. Eastern Orthodox Mt. Athos- there is a waiting list to get to the "Holy Mountain" you can't just roll up and join. Eastern Orthodox Directory of Male Monastic Communities Eastern Orthodox Directory of Female Monastic Communities (The Orthodox don't have "nuns" men and woman are both monks) Roman Catholic Congregations of Benedictine Monks in North America Order of St. Benedict "Therefore, if someone comes and keeps knocking at the door, and if at the end of four or five days he has shown himself patient in bearing his harsh treatment and difficulty of entry, and has persisted in his request, then he should be allowed to enter and stay in the guest quarters for a few days. After that, he should live in the novitiate, where the novices study, eat and sleep. from the Rule of St. Benedict Trappist Monasteries in North America Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life Buddhist Abhayagiri Blue Cliff Deer Park Plum Village Shinto Tsubaki Grand Shrine of America Uncategorized -not technically Monastic, but I duuno where to put 'em Rainbow Family- unofficial site- EcoVillage- Hutterites- There is no web site for The Amish, should go without saying, but you know, stuff Old Believers - Bruderhof Communities- Twin Oaks- established in 1967 The Farm- Arden Village- East Wind- Moora Moora- Kibbutz Ketura- Atarashiki-mura- The Community of the Ark- no website, but you can find them if you went and looked Arche de Saint-Antoine- and tonz more to be found here: Some Useless FAQ and Bad Advice How do I get Mail in the middle of nowhere. Use General Delivery. An example of a properly-formatted General Delivery address looks like this: u/KI4CLZ GENERAL DELIVERY ANYTOWN, NY 12345- 9999 * 9999 is the 4 digit General Delivery ^ code worst website on the planet- Establishing Residency -it is beneficial to establish residency in a state that has cheap taxes, long expiration dates for Drivers Licenses, and low RV/Camper Taxes-Tiles-Tag-Stickers-registrations. whatever. 's a bajillion YouTube Videos on this. do your own 'effin' homework you slackers. Transportation You can always hitchhike You can hop Trains Passports: United States) Italy) Italy has a program where you can get an Italian Passport and Citizenship- Italian Dual Citizenship By Descent: Free/nearly Free Travel if you "Discover your Roots" and get a ride with with: Drive some assholes car across country- and get a free vacation through a shiddy timeshare presentation- Just need a place to stay bruh. You can crash on my couch mate- wtf is couchsurfing? read the wiki- Stay for cheap if you clean the sheets and bring your own shizz- wtf is a hostel? read the wiki- and again. Check craigslist- under Housing and the sub-heading Rooms & Shares. check it out you will be surprised what you can find...
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This year I went to see 192 different movies in theaters, plus one rewatch. That's up from 162 in 2018, 140 in 2017, 9 in 2016, and 5 in 2015. I usually go 3 or 4 times per week, mostly on weekends. I keep track of dates/theaters/movies/ratings for fun and save all of the stubs. My ratings are what I give the movie right after seeing it, with no real 'checklist' or anything, mostly just initial thought/enjoyment/opinion. It's not meant to be taken super seriously, I'm not a professional reviewer. This is my full ranking for the year, from favorite to least-favorite, with a few small reviews/thoughts thrown in: Monos - 10/10 - Hands-down my favorite movie of the year and honestly high on my all-time list. It's Apocalypse Now meets Lord of the Flies, with some Beasts of No Nation thrown in. It builds a unique, lived-in world that's believable and brutal. Beautifully-filmed, some of the best shots of the year (the ending shot gets seared in your mind. Modern and grounded look at a militia/cartel fighting against an unnamed enemy in a Colombian jungle. It almost feels post-apocalyptic instead of 'cartel vs government' which I really loved. You get to imagine your own backstory as the story unfolds. Unforgiving and gut-wrenching, but hopeful too. Got a lot out of its cast. Can't recommend this movie enough. Really disappointed this didn't make the Best Foreign Language Film shortlist. "Masterpiece" gets thrown around a lot, but in my mind this is the only one this year. Marriage Story - 10/10 The Farewell - 10/10 Journey to a Mother's Room - 9/10 - Biggest surprise of the year, came out of nowhere. Deeply-personal story between a mother & daughter. It's very basic on the surface, and there's not much story (you start at Point A, and end at Point A) but it's the most emotional movie of the year. If you don't cry at least 3 times during this, you're probably not human. It's all about the unbreakable connection you have to your parent(s) from the day you're born until the day you die. It only takes place over the course of a few months, but feels like lifetimes. Beautiful little movie about separation, loss, and human connection. Waves - 9/10 - I could write 20 pages on how much I loved this movie. To keep it short, it's got a perfect soundtrack, perfect setting, awards-worthy performances (from Kelvin Harrison Jr., Sterling K. Brown, and Taylor Russell. Visceral story that grips you from the first minute and doesn't let go until the closing shot. Unique use of colors and aspect-ratio. It takes a huge risk structurally that pays off. It's also the only movie I went to see twice this year. Really worth it too, picked up on a lot of stuff on the second viewing. Would've went a third time if theaters kept it playing longer. Every tiny decision/action has a huge impact. Just watch this. Last Black Man In San Francisco - 9/10 Birds of Passage - 9/10 Apollo 11 - 9/10 - The best documentary of the year. Probably the best editing (and use of sound) I've ever seen/heard in a documentary. It's unique because they don't use interviews like most documentaries do, it's real sound the whole through. Impressive use of archival footage/audio. Uncut Gems - 9/10 - This movie wasn't on the Best Original Score shortlist for the 2020 Oscars. This aggression will not stand. The Mustang - 9/10 Wild Rose - 9/10 - If this doesn't win the Oscar for Best Original Song ( Glasgow. I've lost all faith in the Academy. The ending concert scene had me crying like a baby. Jessie Buckley is gonna be big. Best music-drama since A Star Is Born. Transit - 9/10 Ad Astra - 9/10 - Top-notch acting, great atmosphere, world-building, existentialism, beautiful VFX, engaging score. Best opening scene of the year. Thoughtful commentary on modern society all wrapped in a Heart of Darkness blanket. If you're into space/exploration movies, then I recommend this. Surprised at the backlash this movie has gotten on r/movies. The Report - 9/10 - This was a really good year for legal-thrillers and The Report was the cream of the crop. Tight, Sorkin-like script with top performances from Adam Driver & Annette Bening. Could change a lot of minds about the war on terror and use of torture. Parasite - 9/10 Once Upon A Time In Hollywood - 9/10 Midnight Traveler - 9/10 - If you feel like life is unfair and the odds are stacked against you, watch this movie. It puts everything in a different perspective. Every problem you have is going to seem minuscule compared to what this family went through. It's eye-opening and should fill you with anger. Luce - 9/10 - It's Kelvin Harrison Jr's world and we're just living in it. The Irishman - 8/10 Mickey and the Bear - 8/10 - Camila Morrone puts in the best breakout performance of the year. PTSD, drug-addiction, alcoholism, rural Montana, toxic relationships, James Badge Dale, following your dreams. What's not to love? The Art of Self Defense - 8/10 - The best dark-comedy of the year. So many great one liners. It's like Yorgos Lanthimos directing Death of Stalin, set in a karate studio. Surprisingly violent and depressing, but in all the right ways. Jesse Eisenberg's best movie Social Network? Peanut Butter Falcon - 8/10. Am I going to die. We all do, it's only a matter of time, now stop being a little bitch. Favorite line of the year, really stuck with me. Everybody Knows - 8/10 Mary Magdalene - 8/10 Knives Out - 8/10 - Well-crafted whoddunit with an ensemble cast. Just a genuinely fun time at the movies. Ana de Armas with well-deserved leading role for once. A few of the characters are a tad bit unrealistic (and basically caricatures) but the movie doesn't take itself seriously enough for that to be a problem. Daniel Craig hamming it up with a Southern accent was fun. Old school film with a modern twist. The Lighthouse - 8/10 The Dead Don't Die - 8/10 - This movie really isn't for everyone, but I loved the dry humor and purposefully-bad chemistry/dialogue. The line delivery was off-putting but hilarious. Everything is extremely on-the-nose and it works. I could watch 10 hours of Tom Waits talking to himself. Us - 8/10 Villains - 8/10 Ford v Ferrari - 8/10 Midsommar - 8/10 Jojo Rabbit - 8/10 Official Secrets - 8/10 - Keira Knightley with one of the most underrated performances of the year. Another really good legal/political-thriller that exposes the dark side of government bureaucracy. Pain & Glory - 8/10 John Wick 3: Parabellum - 8/10 Queen & Slim - 8/10 Amazing Grace - 8/10 - Great concert-documentary. Some of Aretha Franklin's performances in this should give you insane chills. I actually had this one rated higher right after watching it, but then looked up some of the people shown on screen and it turns out some were real pieces of shit, while preaching to people like hypocrits. Felt gross and took a lot of the magic out. One of my few revised scores this year. A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood - 8/10 Joker - 8/10 Non-Fiction - 8/10 - It's very French (talky and sexual) and the writing seems impressed with itself, but it's a good adult-drama that surprised me. I'm a big fan of Olivier Assayas and this is some of his best work. Rocketman - 8/10 Stan & Ollie - 8/10 Hustlers - 8/10 Avengers Endgame - 8/10 Doctor Sleep - 8/10 - It gets bloated and probably needed to be 20-30 minutes shorter (there's a shit ton of side-characters) but it was a worthwhile sequel to The Shining. Didn't feel like a cash grab and carries its own weight. Booksmart - 8/10 Little Monsters - 8/10 - I'd recommend watching this based just on Josh Gad's character. So over-the-top and hilarious. When he starts chugging hand sanitizer might be the most I laughed in a theater this year. Also Lupita Nyong'o playing & singing on the ukulele to a bunch of kids is exactly what I needed in my life. Cute zombie-comedy with a ton of heart. Spider-Man: Far From Home - 8/10 A Hidden Life - 8/10 - If there's a song from this year (or this decade even) that I'd want played at my funeral, it's James Newton Howard's theme from this movie. It's so beautiful and perfectly captures the feel of the movie. That song broke me down every time it played. I can't imagine this movie without it, it's that good. It's a shame this movie is getting ignored this awards season. Never Look Away - 8/10 Toy Story 4 - 8/10 Pavarotti - 8/10 The Biggest Little Farm - 8/10 - If you're really into the inner-workings of a Californian farm, then this is the documentary for you. Abominable - 8/10 The Current War - 7/10 Artic - 7/10 - Well made, solidly-acted. I loved the small details about survival that this movie brings up, makes it very grounded and realistic. I'm kinda bored of survival movies in general so this didn't blow my mind or anything. Bombshell - 7/10 Honey Boy - 7/10 - Pretty big letdown because I had really high expectations for this one. Lacked the emotional punch I hoped for. Didn't land for me at all, kind of like Boy Erased last year. I appreciate how honest and revealing it was, took a lot of guts for Shia LaBeouf to put this out there but it's forgettable. Lucas Hedges' Shia impression was reallllly on point though, that was worth the price of admission right there. Mid90s last year was a 10/10 for me and I expected the same for this. It was good, not great. American Woman - 7/10 - Sienna Miller's performance in this is awards-worthy. The accent she does is perfect and it might be the most underrated role of the year. The movie gets way too tearjerky at the end though. It's basically 2 hours of bad shit happening to a good person, which gets a bit overwhelming. The Beach Bum - 7/10 Captain Marvel - 7/10 Spies In Disguise - 7/10 - Looked pretty generic based on the trailer, but was actually pretty funny. Cold Pursuit - 7/10 Tolkien - 7/10 - Not much happens but it felt really comfortable. Solid performances all around and they handled the WW1 scenes better than I thought they would. Expected to be bored out of my mind based on the reviews and trailer but it flowed well. As far as "Nicholas Hoult Biopics of Famous Writers" go, it's miles ahead of Rebel in the Rye 2 years ago. Jumanji: The Next Level - 7/10 Sauvage/Wild - 7/10 Detective Pikachu - 7/10 Maiden - 7/10 Dark Waters - 7/10. Good performances and an okay script, even though it beats you over the head sometimes. Total waste of Anne Hathaway. She's way too good of an actress for a boring, generic, supporting wife' role with just a few lines. Not even sure why she was in this. Overall, a solid legal-thriller, which is a genre I really enjoy and I've been missing since its late-90s heyday. Pretty crazy story too, scummy and evil corporate greed is always interesting to explore on film (like The Insider. Should've been 20 minutes shorter and less on-the-nose Adopt A Highway - 7/10 The Wedding Guest - 7/10 The Hummingbird Project - 7/10 Motherless Brooklyn - 7/10 The Lion King - 7/10 Last Christmas - 7/10 - It's really easy to bash this movie, a lot of the humor falls flat and the twist is ridiculous, but I couldn't help walking out with a smile. I love how committed Emilia Clarke was to the character, and her interactions with her boss and family were legitimately heart-warming at times. Also did I mention how ridiculous that twist is? Richard Jewell - 7/10 - This was decent. Even though it's clearly Clint Eastwood's personal crusade (and thinly-veiled propaganda piece in some regards) against the FBI & the Spooky Media, it still told the story effectively/semi-believably. Some of the characters (Hamm/Wilde obviously) were pretty ridiculous caricatures though, was hard to take anything they said seriously, I mean come on. You just roll your eyes at most of what they say. Some of the situations and encounters are too-conveniently set-up but that's easy to overlook. It had very solid performances (Hauser was great, especially when he finally let's his emotion show, in that scene where he kicks the table. Much better than The Mule, and 20x better than 15:17 To Paris. Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker - 7/10 21 Bridges - 7/10 Before You Know It - 7/10 Hobbs & Shaw - 7/10 - This is peak "Stupid Summer Popcorn Movie" and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It's The Meg of 2019. Fighting With My Family - 7/10 Pet Sematary - 7/10 Downton Abbey - 7/10 - Never saw a single episode of the show before watching the movie, but it still felt familiar/safe to jump right in. Yesterday - 7/10 Greta - 7/10 - It's a cheesy, predictable, non-scary horror film but I liked it. Sometimes you just need Isabelle Hupert to play a psychopathic serial killer. Felt very old-school, a movie straight out of the 1980s. Judy - 7/10 - It's the definition of Oscar bait and is emotionally manipulative, especially towards the end, but it does a great job at humanizing a Hollywood legend. Frozen 2 - 7/10 Aladdin - 7/10 The Souvenir - 7/10 Zombieland 2: Double Tap - 7/10 - Nowhere near as memorable/iconic as the first one, but it still got a bunch of laughs from me (especially the Thomas Middleditch/Luke Wilson scene. Above-average for a comedy-sequel, but I could see this one not aging well. The Two Popes - 6/10 - Two solid performances but underwhelming overall, too many cheap-looking flashback scenes, not enough Pryce/Hopkins. Reminded me of Can You Ever Forgive Me? last year, depending on the 2 leads to carry a weak movie/premise on their back, to disappointing results. Highly-overrated movie. Ready Or Not - 6/10 Anna - 6/10 - It's basically Red Sparrow but slightly worse. Saint Frances - 6/10 Hotel Mumbai - 6/10 Shazam. 6/10 - Low-stakes, formulaic, superhero movie clearly made with strict budget limitations. It hits all the notes you'd expect a movie like this to hit. It was decent. Alita: Battle Angel - 6/10 Loro - 6/10 - One of the more disappointing movies of the year. On paper it sounds amazing, a sprawling biopic of an infamous/corrupt Italian politician/mogul by Paolo Sorrentino who's not that far removed from a masterpiece? Sign me the fuck up. But nah, this was a shallow, surface-level (like my reviews) pointless dull knife of a biopic. Too much shoehorned religious imagery too. Tone is all over the place. It can't decide whether it's serious or funny and gets lost in-between. It looked nice at least. It also wins this year's "Most Nudity" award, easily beating the rest of the field. Teen Spirit - 6/10 The Upside - 6/10 Gloria Bell - 6/10 - Great performance from Julianne Moore but this just felt like "Middle-Aged Crisis: The Movie. Just couldn't connect to it. I imagine the original is a lot better. On The Basis Of Sex - 6/10 Stockholm - 6/10 Give Me Liberty - 6/10 - This is an example of a movie that has its heart in the right place but bites off a lot more than it can chew. There's a beautiful, emotional story in here somewhere, but it's too muddled with ineffective editing tricks and too many side-stories. It's sweet in some ways and the true-life characters bring a lot of charm, but it didn't do that much for me. A lot of 'year-end' lists have this as one of the most overlooked movies of the year, but I don't see it. Rough editing, bad soundtrack. Child's Play - 6/10 Good Boys - 6/10 - Just watch Booksmart instead. Styx - 6/10 Woman at War - 6/10 The Lego Movie 2 - 6/10 Missing Link - 6/10 Long Shot - 6/10 - The chemistry between Charlize Theron & Seth Rogen was great but the jokes couldn't really match it. It's a unique mix of politics & humor, but fell short of being an actual crowd-pleaser. Echo in the Canyon - 6/10 Cyrano, My Love - 6/10 Dora the Explorer - 6/10 Brittany Runs A Marathon - 6/10 IT: Chapter 2 - 6/10 - Way too long. Felt like a never-ending series of fetch-quests. Good CGI & acting though. Mister America - 6/10 Crawl - 6/10 Trial By Fire - 6/10 - Great performances by Laura Dern & Jack O'Connell get overshadowed by an overly-preacy script. It doesn't let the audience make up its own mind. The Third Wife - 6/10 Godzilla: King of Monsters - 5/10 - This needed less humans, more monsters. Glass - 5/10 Escape Room - 5/10 Terminator: Dark Fate - 5/10 Dumbo - 5/10 All Is True - 5/10 Brightburn - 5/10 The White Crow - 5/10 - One of those biopics where the movie doesn't do justice to the story. Reading the Wikipedia page on this guy's life, you'd except an Oscar contender. Instead it was just okay. Watch Cold War instead. It's basically this movie but better. High Life - 5/10 - Unpleasant. Where'd You Go Bernadette. 5/10 Scary Stories to Tell Dark - 5/10 Her Smell - 5/10 - This movie made me physically nauseous. The tight, claustrophobic, haze-filled shots in the first 2 acts really threw me off. It's temporarily redeemed by a reallllllly good third act and a solid performance from Elisabeth Moss. But then deflated by a terrible final scene. By the Grace of God - 5/10 - Based on the critical acclaim, director, and subject matter, I walked in expected to be blown away. Basically expected Spotlight, but this movie completely derails at the halfway point. Hard to sit through. Blinded by the Light - 5/10 The Best of Enemies - 5/10 The Aeronauts - 5/10 - This is mis-marketed as an intense survival story but it's really just a boring biopic with too many flashbacks. Fall of the American Empire - 5/10 Family - 5/10 The Goldfinch - 5/10 - It turns out an unfilmable novel really is unfilmbable, who would've thought? Shoutout to Jeffrey Wright & Finn Wolfhard for actually trying. Angel Has Fallen - 5/10 Gemini Man - 5/10 Late Night - 5/10 Black and Blue - 5/10 Diane - 5/10 - This was just depression-porn. Sometimes it works (Mungiu/Zvyagintsev) sometimes it doesn't (this movie. It's such a bummer. Wouldn't recommend this to anyone but Mary Kay Place's performance makes it watchable and engaging sometimes. Destroyer - 5/10 How To Train Your Dragon 3 - 5/10 Rafiki - 5/10 - I feel bad for this score because I get that this is a really important/significant movie for African Cinema, but I just couldn't get past the terrible acting, bad (like baaaaaad) dialogue, and lackluster story. Again, pretty big achievement that this got made and reached a global audience, but yeah, in a vacuum, it's undoubtedly a bad movie. Felt like an amateur movie on a shoestring budget. Captive State - 4/10 Wild Nights With Emily - 4/10 - This movie is what happens when someone asks the question "hey, what if we turned Emily Dickinson's life into an SNL skit. I get what they were going for, and Molly Shannon is great, but this was extremely unfunny and probably the longest 84-minute movie I've ever seen. Dark Pheonix - 4/10 The Addams Family - 4/10 Midway - 4/10 To Dust - 4/10 Rojo - 4/10 - The only memorable thing about this movie is that there was a power outage about 90 minutes in so they comped my ticket and gave me a free drink. So that was cool, I guess. The Kid Who Would Be King - 4/10 MIB: International - 4/10 The Kid - 4/10 - There's a 98% chance that this movie is some kind of tax write-off or money laundering scheme. It somehow got 2 big names (Pratt & Hawke) co-starring the son of the producer in his first movie ever. Directed by Vincent D'Onofrio for some reason. Was dumped by Lionsgate in a few hundred theaters with 0 marketing/promotion, and flopped hard. It's dated, boring, and unoriginal. Cheesy dialogue. Literally a story that's been told a million times before, usually in much better ways. No reason for this to exist. Chris Pratt has the worst fake-movie-beard of all time in this, that's kinda worth checking out. Ramen Shop - 4/10 The Good Liar - 4/10 - The most convoluted, needlessly-complicated plot of the year. Helen Mirren & Ian McKellen both phone it in (I don't blame them, they were given trash to work with. I hate when movies try to crowbar "WW2 flashbacks" into their movies when it's not needed. Climax - 4/10 Harriet - 4/10 Lucy in the Sky - 4/10 - Once or twice a year, a movie comes along that has such a frustrating/stupid/anti-climactic ending it makes me actually angry. This is that movie. Natalie Portman had another movie like that last year (Vox Lux. Hey Noah Hawley, what the fuck? Freaks - 4/10 - This movie would fit well in the "Good Idea But Bad Execution" subreddit. Tel Aviv On Fire - 4/10 Ma - 4/10 Frankie - 3/10 Stuber - 3/10 Serenity - 3/10 - In a year full of batshit-crazy twists (looking at you, Last Christmas) this easily had the batshit-iest twist. It's something you actually have to experience yourself, and be fully-immersed in it, to appreciate how mind-numblingly crazy it is. How they got A-list talent for this script is a total mystery, but it probably involves of a lot of favors and cocaine. It's almost "so bad its good. Almost. I can't wait for the sequel, Free Guy, next year. Maleficent 2: Mistress of Evil - 3/10 - More genocide than I expected for a live-action Disney fairy tale movie. Donnybrook - 3/10 The Photograph - 3/10 - Zzzzzzzzzz. Charlie's Angels - 3/10 Hellboy - 3/10 - This movie is like that annoying kid in middle school that tries way to hard to be edgy. It's gory and vulgar just for the sake of being gory & vulgar. It reminded me of the Predator reboot last year, had the same kind of dated/forced humor that seems to have no real target audience (except for the aforementioned middle school edgy kid I guess. Bad CGI and a boring villain. iirc it also had a lame sequel-bait ending which I hate. Happy Death Day 2U - 3/10 - The Sun Is Also A Star - 3/10 - It's filmed like a generic music video and has the emotional depth of a puddle. Don't Let Go - 3/10 The Invisibles - 3/10 Playing with Fire - 3/10 - This was just like Mark Wahlberg's Instant Family last year, except that it was worse in every imaginable way. No lie, the end-credits bloopers were by far better than anything else in the movie. It was the only time I even chuckled or felt any type of emotion. Cats - 2/10 - There's not much more I could say that already hasn't been said. Yes, it was bad. No, it wasn't the worst movie in history. For me, it was just so boring. Forgettable songs (except Beautiful Ghosts) no story/plot, nonsensical ending. Just wanted it to end. Jennifer Hudson just floating into space for no reason, Judi Dench giving me unwarranted lessons about raising cats, Ian McKellen slurping milk from a bowl, Extremely-Hairy-And-Naked-Idris-Elba, Cockroach Genocide, etc. These things all happened and we can't change them, and for us to grow as a society, we need to just move on and learn from our mistakes. Rambo: Last Blood - 2/10 The Sound of Silence - 2/10 - More like The Sound of Boredom, amirite? No but seriously, that's all I got. This movie was the closest I got to falling asleep in my seat this year. Synonyms - 2/10 Black Christmas - 2/10 - Extremely cheesy dialogue, cop-out violence, boring/predictable jump scares, low production value (bad even for a low-end Blumhouse movie) some of the worst one-liners you've ever heard, unrealistic/2D characters. Shitty ending. Wayyyyy too heavy-handed with the message. About as subtle as a flying brick to the forehead. Amateur acting, cutaway for every death, etc etc. After the Wedding - 2/10 - Overacted, muddled garbage. 47 Meters Down Uncaged - 1/10 Shaft - 1/10 - Crude, unfunny, soulless, grating, pointless. There's a million adjectives I could use to describe this reboot, and none of them are positive. This is one I'm surprised I didn't just walk out of. Probably didn't have anything better do do that day. Jexi - 1/10 - This year's worst movie. It's just the kind of movie that leaves a bad taste in your mouth, like you need to watch something else to get the stink of this one out of your mind. It was just so mean-spirited, from start to finish. Not a single joke landed, you just hated all of the characters. There are no redeeming factors. On the technical side, it was very basic, looked like a cheap music video. No memorable scenes, no good lines of dialogue, no originality in any way. None of the "cheerful" pick-me-up" moments earn any kind of emotional reaction. If you had a freshman high-school film student remake Her as a shitty comedy, this would be it. The fact that I paid money to see this is something I will never live down. Movies that I saw outside of theaters, not included in the list: The King - 8/10 - Netflix Paddleton - 8/10 - Netflix El Camino: A Breaking Bad Story - 8/10 - Netflix High Flying Bird - 7/10 - Netflix Dolemite Is My Name - 7/10 - Netflix Triple Frontier - 6/10 - Netflix The Boy Who Harnessed Wind - 6/10 - Netflix The Laundromat - 5/10 - Netflix The Highwaymen - 5/10 - Netflix Velvet Buzzsaw - 4/10 - Netflix Bird Box - 4/10 - Netflix Six Underground - 2/10 - Netflix Movies that I saw in theaters in 2019, but are not included in the list due to original release date: If Beale Street Could Talk - 9/10 Cold War - 9/10 Capernaum - 9/10 Mary Poppins Returns - 7/10 The Charmer - 6/10 Movies that I haven't seen yet but will see in the next few weeks: Little Women 1917 In Fabric Tremors Just Mercy Midnight Family A Million Little Pieces The Earthquake Bird American Son Portrait of A Lady On Fire Clemency Beanpole The Kingmaker The Song of Names Here is the distribution of theater visits by day of the week: Throughout the year, I've gone to 13 different theaters. 9 at major chains, and 4 at indie theaters. Here's the distribution of visits by theater: Here is the distribution of theater visits by month: Other: The longest stretch I went without going to the movies was from July 21st thru August 20th, without a single trip to the movies. Partially due to an out-of-country trip and personal stuff. During this time I "missed out" on The Kitchen, The Nightingale, Brian Banks, and Honeyland. Mostly caught up to the rest. The most theater visits in a one-week span was November 1st thru November 8th, with 8 movies that week. The most in one day was 3 movies in theaters on March 15th, 2019 ( Styx, To Dust, and Captive State. There were 26 double-headers this year (two movies in theaters during the same day, usually back-to-back. Solid year, not as many surprises as 2018 though. Going to try to break 200 in 2020. Here is last year's ranking.
These posts are as much for me as they are for you. So please feel free to reply with your suggestions for what to watch, and make a case for any game to be considered 'must watch' in which case I will bold it. The time zone used to sort games was LIS (Lisbon) time zone, so no, the game is not on a wrong date. Monday Time (LIS / LIS -5) Match Competition Round 19:45 / 14:45 France vs Turkey Euro 2020 Qualification 19:45 / 14:45 Ukraine vs Portugal Euro 2020 Qualification Tuesday Time (LIS / LIS -5) Match Competition Round 19:45 / 14:45 Sweden vs Spain Euro 2020 Qualification 19:45 / 14:45 Switzerland vs Ireland Euro 2020 Qualification Wednesday Time (LIS / LIS -5) Match Competition Round 0:30 / 19:30 Canada vs United States of America Nations League 2:30 / 21:30 Mexico vs Panama Nations League 23:15 / 18:15 Grêmio vs Bahia Brasileirão Thursday Time (LIS / LIS -5) Match Competition Round 1:00 / 20:00 Palmeiras vs Chapecoense Brasileirão 1:30 / 20:30 Goiás vs Corinthians Brasileirão Friday Time (LIS / LIS -5) Match Competition Round 19:30 / 14:30 Eintracht Frankfurt vs Bayer 04 Leverkusen Bundesliga 19:45 / 14:45 OGC Nice vs Paris Saint-Germain Ligue 1 20:00 / 15:00 Cádiz CF vs Las Palmas Segunda División Saturday Time (LIS / LIS -5) Match Competition Round 14:00 / 9:00 Lazio vs Atalanta Serie A 14:30 / 9:30 RB Leipzig vs VfL Wolfsburg Bundesliga 15:00 / 10:00 Wolves vs Southampton Premier League 15:00 / 10:00 Atlético Madrid vs Valencia La Liga 17:30 / 12:30 Crystal Palace vs Manchester City Premier League 17:30 / 12:30 Borussia Dortmund vs Borussia Mönchengladbach Bundesliga 17:30 / 12:30 AZ Alkmaar vs SC Heerenveen Eredivisie 18:00 / 13:00 Atlanta United FC vs New England Revolution Major League Soccer Round of 16 19:45 / 14:45 Juventus vs Bologna Serie A 20:30 / 15:30 Seattle Sounders vs FC Dallas Major League Soccer Round of 16 23:00 / 18:00 Toronto FC vs DC United Major League Soccer Round of 16 Sunday Time (LIS / LIS -5) Match Competition Round 3:00 / 22:00 Real Salt Lake vs Portland Timbers Major League Soccer Round of 16 11:30 / 6:30 US Sassuolo vs Internazionale Serie A 12:15 / 7:15 Heart of Midlothian vs Rangers Scottish Premiership 13:00 / 8:00 Real Sociedad vs Real Betis La Liga 14:00 / 9:00 Bordeaux vs Saint-Étienne Ligue 1 14:00 / 9:00 Sampdoria vs AS Roma Serie A 14:00 / 9:00 Hammarby IF vs Malmö FF Allsvenskan 16:00 / 11:00 Monaco vs Stade Rennais Ligue 1 16:30 / 11:30 Manchester United vs Liverpool Premier League 20:00 / 15:00 Olympique de Marseille vs RC Strasbourg Ligue 1 20:00 / 15:00 Philadelphia Union vs New York Red Bulls Major League Soccer Round of 16 22:00 / 17:00 Flamengo vs Fluminense Brasileirão 23:00 / 18:00 Atlético Paranaense vs Palmeiras Brasileirão r/WhatToWatchThisWeek.
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